Edge Advertising Uses Leadership Techniques From Sports

The Edge Advertising management team has been using lessons learned from the world of sports to achieve success at their firm. According to Tyler, the firm's director of operations, there is much to be learned from athletics.

For the sales and marketing firm, encouraging healthy competition, energy, and passion is essential to success. Tyler indicated that one of the ways that they are able to achieve this is to create a sports-like culture at Edge Advertising. He described this as being a consistent effort that has yielded excellent results.

"Smiling is another habit I have noticed from Stephen Curry,"

Tyler , Director of Operations

“I have looked to a number of champion athletes and teams for inspiration,” Tyler said. “People like NBA MVP Stephen Curry set an excellent example of confident leadership. We try to emulate many of the lessons we can glean from him and others here at Edge Advertising. Additionally we try to incorporate the competitiveness of sports into our environment.”

As Tyler explained, a sense of healthy competition can encourage team members to give their all. Provided that respect and strong team bonds are kept present, competition can improve productivity in terms of outcomes.

Edge Advertising’s Director of Operations on Lessons From Sports Stars

Tyler shares some of the ideas he has implemented at Edge Advertising that he learned from the world of sports. For example, he encourages his team to always be ahead of schedule and prepared for what is coming next. This level of commitment and routine reflects how many athletes give themselves the winning edge in games.

“Smiling is another habit I have noticed from Stephen Curry,” he continued. “Before talking, he is always sure to listen intently and smile. Part of what has made him such a sensation is this feeling of being connected to everyone with whom he interacts. He is even candid about his lack of experience in the spotlight, admitting to being new to press conferences before replying to questions.”

According to Tyler many great athletes also display an incredible ability to keep moving even after failure. This is something that can be enormously valuable in the business world. Failure happens and being able to compartmentalize it and move forward can help keep momentum up. Athletes also keep playing until the last second. This dedication is valuable in any situation.

“There are just so many parallels between sports and business,” Tyler concluded. “I think a competitive mindset is extremely valuable in any company, so I try to encourage my team members to get up every day and fight to win.”

About Edge Advertising, Inc.

Edge Advertising, Inc. is a recognized leader in event-based sales promotions. Their enthusiastic, knowledgeable branding specialists are passionate about connecting consumers with unprecedented access to some of the region’s biggest names in sports and entertainment. Backed by demographic research, the firm’s lively interactive marketing strategies position brands for the greatest recognition and growth. With a reputation for professionalism and expertly-executed campaigns, Edge Advertising, Inc.’s portfolio is filled with impressive names in telecommunications, sports, entertainment, and leisure. Learn more by visiting (websiteedgeadvertisinginc.com.