Edge Advertising Shares Effective Networking Practices

For an interactive marketing firm to be successful, effective networking practices are essential. Therefore, the team at Edge Advertising spends considerable time cultivating their techniques in order to make great contacts.

“It’s not a numbers game,” explained Tyler, Edge Advertising’s director of operations. “The goal is to attain quality connections with whom you’ll build lasting professional relationships.”

Tyler advocates for targeted networking to attract powerful contacts. “It’s like in our industry. At Edge Advertising, we do our research to identify a brand’s best consumer base,” he stated. “In this case, you are the brand. You need to decide who is important to your network. You need to identify the people or types of people who will positively influence your career and your goals.”

"As much as social media can help you make connections around the world, don't neglect your own community contacts,"

Tyler, Director of Operations

As Tyler shared, social media is one way to connect with people who might be helpful. “LinkedIn has many professional groups you can join and contribute to, which will help you develop a reputation as a thought leader. This will get the attention of influential people you might want in your network,” he said. “Facebook has a professional component as well. I would suggest using a professional profile or invoking more security on your personal one, just to protect your image.”

“As much as social media can help you make connections around the world, don’t neglect your own community contacts,” he stressed. “Join the chamber of commerce or a professional organization. Get involved in their activities. Offer to organize or sponsor an event. This will net you some great contacts, too.”

Edge Advertising Managers Share Networking Dos and Don’ts

Tyler stated the Edge Advertising team often discusses networking best practices. “First, you want to make sure you focus on the other person,” he said. “Give him or her the bulk of the attention and ask plenty of questions. This way, you’ll make a favorable first impression.”

“Don’t brag too much about yourself or your accomplishments,” Tyler added. “This is not a competition and it will only push others away. Also, avoid dominating conversations, complaining, or other social gaffes.”

As a final warning, Tyler emphasized the need for a mutual relationship to develop. “Focus first on how you can help someone,” he said. “Start by doing a favor, rather than asking for a sale or a job. People want to connect to those with whom they can share professional courtesies, and even be friends. If you’re simply in it for you, it shows. Be the person everyone wants to network with, not the one they avoid at all costs. Be positive, gracious, and authentic, and you’ll do fine.”

About Edge Advertising, Inc.

Edge Advertising, Inc. is a recognized leader in event-based sales promotions. Their enthusiastic, knowledgeable branding specialists are passionate about connecting consumers with unprecedented access to some of the region’s biggest names in sports and entertainment. Backed by demographic research, the firm’s lively interactive marketing strategies position brands for the greatest recognition and growth. With a reputation for professionalism and expertly-executed campaigns, Edge Advertising, Inc.’s portfolio is filled with impressive names in telecommunications, sports, entertainment, and leisure. Learn more by visiting: websiteedgeadvertisinginc.com.