EDCare Launches Athlete EDGE™ at EDCare, a Specialized Eating Disorder Treatment Program for High-Performance Athletes

DENVER, November 22, 2021 (Newswire.com) - EDCare is pleased to announce the opening of its specialized eating disorder treatment program: Athlete EDGETM at EDCare. This highly structured program, staffed by specialized and dedicated clinicians, is the newest addition to the center's Partial Hospitalization Program, offering comprehensive care to high-performance athletes with eating disorders. The program's interdisciplinary team of experts specializes in working with athletes to address mental health, physical health, dietetics, and performance.
"We are pleased to expand our care to help athletes who are struggling with eating disorders," says Dr. Tamara Pryor, Executive Clinical Director. "Our goal is to help each individual gain the skills and tools needed to recover from the eating disorder while strengthening their ability to return to both sport and life."
According to the National Eating Disorders website, one study found that 35% of female and 10% of male college athletes were at risk for anorexia nervosa and 58% of female and 38% of male college athletes were at risk for bulimia nervosa (https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/statistics-research-eating-disorders).Athlete EDGETM at EDCare is specifically designed to address the unique needs and demands involved in treating high-performance athletes who are struggling with these disorders through a comprehensive, interdisciplinary approach that helps them interrupt the eating disorder and integrate recovery-focused skills into both their athletic and daily lives.
This specialized sports and performance program follows EDCare's evidence-based treatment model to empower patients through Connection, Acceptance, Mindfulness, Sense of Self and Action (CAMSA®). This unique and proven approach focuses on healing the whole athlete—mind, body and spirit.
In addition to providing all the core services of EDCare's Partial Hospitalization Program, the Athlete EDGE program integrates specialized offerings that are uniquely tailored to athletes. These include supervised strength and conditioning training, individual counseling sessions with sport and performance psychologists, and weekly athlete-centered group therapy sessions. Sport and performance psychology consultants also work with patients in the gym to help them integrate recovery-focused skills into their training. "By bringing together a group of highly trained clinicians, we believe Athlete EDGE at EDCare will provide athletes with eating disorders the best care possible," says Chairman and CEO, Erik Akhund.
The program's dedicated team also works closely with the athlete's family and "sport family" in order to keep them connected to their sport/team while working to address their personal struggles. Importantly, discussions surrounding the impact of continued participation in sport or performance on the athlete's health is a critical part of the program's treatment philosophy.
For more information about Athlete EDGE at EDCare, or to schedule a free confidential assessment, please call 303-771-0861 or visit www.eatingdisorder.care/elite-athlete-track.
About EDCare: Since 2001, EDCare has been a leading provider of eating disorder treatment to patients across the United States and internationally. EDCare is committed to the recovery of individuals struggling with Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge Eating, and related disorders. Our multidisciplinary team of psychiatrists, physicians, clinicians, family therapists, and dietitians is dedicated to bringing about change through our empowerment-based programs. EDCare provides a full continuum of care from OP to PHP levels of care at its facilities in Denver, Kansas City, Colorado Springs, and Omaha.
Kim Travis
Source: EDCare