Echo Advertising on Networking Tips to Further Careers

As a premier interactive marketing firm, the leadership of Echo Advertising realizes the importance of obtaining excellent connections. Therefore, they recently shared their networking knowledge for individuals and businesses.

“Networking is an art form,” said Brian, Echo Advertising’s director of operations. “It’s the most effective means to reach people and build relationships that will help you grow professionally.”

Brian stated that Echo Advertising’s team believes that networking is not about trying to disperse or collect as many business cards as possible. “We often equate networking with specific events at which people wear name tags and circulate the room,” he said. “They try to meet and greet as many people as possible. That is not real networking.”

"Networking is about making quality connections with whom you'll build solid relationships,"

Brian , Director of Operations

“Networking is about making quality connections with whom you’ll build solid relationships,” Brian explained. “Your goal in networking is to assess those who can benefit you or your business. You’re not as likely to meet them through meet-and-greet events as you are through personal introductions.”

To establish relationships, Brian suggested targeted networking. “First, decide what types of connections you’re hoping to establish,” he noted. “Think about your goals. Are you looking for potential clients? Are you looking for mentors? Are you looking for resources to fill gaps? This will help you decide where to you might find these key individuals.”

LinkedIn groups are great ways to both meet people and share your knowledge,” Brian noted. “Facebook and Twitter are invaluable for establishing relationships with thought leaders, too. Follow the discussions, then perhaps approach the person in a private message.”

While social media can help with some connections, Brian also stressed the need for real-world interactions. “Don’t limit your networking to the virtual world,” he emphasized. “Join industry organizations and attend conferences. If they offer classes, join them as well. This will provide you with built-in content for discussions as opposed to business mixers.”

Echo Advertising Managers Discuss Networking Ice Breakers

Brian added that the biggest obstacle is getting acquainted with new connections. “Introductions can be absolutely brutal,” he said, noting that the Echo Advertising team actually practices ice breakers prior to networking events. “The best strategy is to focus on the people you’re meeting. For example, ask them questions about where they’re from or what their businesses do. Listen more than you speak.”

When it is time to share personal details, Brian recommended having a compelling story ready. “Don’t just share your job description,” he said. “Let it be about how your job impacts others. However, don’t brag to make a good impression. This can put others off fast. Instead, be genuine.”

“As I tell my team, a good networking opportunity will net you two or three quality connections,” Brian concluded. “Remember, it’s not a sprint. You’re looking at marathon relationships, the kind that will sustain you throughout your professional life and lead to long-term growth for all involved.”

About Echo Advertising

Echo Advertising is a dynamic leader in the promotional events industry because of their innovative marketing strategies that are designed to build lasting relationships between clients and their customers. By offering exciting consumer incentives and exclusive rewards packages, Echo Advertising helps businesses stand out in an increasingly competitive marketplace. Their highly-trained team of event coordinators has the talent and experience to flawlessly execute event-based promotions that generate greater customer engagement, retention, and loyalty, all while maximizing the return on their clients’ investment. To learn more about their cutting-edge techniques, visit