ECast Corp. Has Been Awarded An Exclusive Agreement With The Morris-Somerset IPA

eCast Corporation announced today that it has signed an exclusive agreement with the Morris-Somerset IPA of Parsippany, NJ to provide an integrated Health Information Exchange (HIE) for their 600 physicians.

eCast Corporation announced today that it has signed an exclusive agreement with the Morris-Somerset IPA of Parsippany, NJ to provide an integrated Health Information Exchange (HIE) for their 600 physicians. The system, known as "ACO-Care™ ", enables all physicians in the IPA, regardless of their Electronic Health Record (EHR) system to electronically share patient clinical data.

Morris-Somerset IPA President, Mark Atkins, MD said that this system will help the IPA physicians dramatically: "The ACO-Care system allows our doctors to easily share information and that is the biggest value to them right now." He further said "and with the eCast EHR products, our physicians can accelerate their use of medical records software easily, quickly and inexpensively."

The ACO-Care system incorporates mdEmail® an encrypted email system from Max.MD, Inc., a company located in Ft Lee, NJ. Max.MD founder and president, Scott Finlay said: ".mdEmail will allow physicians and their staff to securely communicate with peers, patients, and business associates from their EHR, desktop or smart-phone while substantially reducing cost." He went on to say: "The eCast ACO-Care model is completely aligned with meaningful use criteria and offers MSIPA a self-sustaining solution when cost savings are considered."

The ultimate goal of ACO-Care within the Morris-Somerset IPA is to help the physicians achieve clinical integration and build the IT infrastructure so that the IPA may consider becoming an Accountable Care Organization (ACO) in the future. Dr. Atkins said: "While we have not made the decision to become an ACO, the eCast ACO-Care system lays the foundation for that to happen should we decide to go in that direction."

To facilitate the connection of physicians to the HIE, ACO-Care has a free EHR Starter Version (ESV) that will be distributed to all physicians. The ESV product may be upgraded to a full, "Meaningful Use" EHR at any time, thereby enabling the physicians to recoup their ARRA funds.

Dr. Atkins and MSIPA Executive Director, Ms. Jane Liss chose the eCast ACO-Care system for a number of reasons. "We liked the low cost of the HIE, free EHR Starter Version and the secure, encrypted .mdEmail system" said Ms. Liss. She added: "Our physicians will have total connectivity and will be able to start using an EHR at no risk and no cost. It's a huge win-win for the IPA and the physicians."

About eCast Corporation
eCast Corporation is an established medical software company based in Raleigh, NC. Its flagship product, ACO-Care™ , consist of a Health Information Exchange (HIE) and an EHR Starter Version known as eCast ESV™ . The eCast ESV product can be upgraded to a full EHR product (eCast EMR®) at any time. The eCast ACO-Care system is the baseline data collection and analysis system that can be used for Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) who need to clinically integrate their physicians.

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About Max.MD
Max.MD is a global secure healthcare network that employs a segment of the internet, the .md top level domain, as a secure transport layer. The network is a universal health IT solution that facilitates the secure exchange of structured and unstructured data between independent organizations and disparate systems. Max.MD offers unparalleled privacy and a dynamic new approach to secure information sharing. Max.MD's products allow individuals, enterprises or software solutions to easily connect into the network without retraining, work flow disruption, or costly investments in new software. Max.MD offers the healthcare industry internet connectivity without the security concerns associated with portals, tracking cookies, scrapping or data breaches that are common to Web1.0 solutions.

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