Easter Reminds Us to "Love Like God"

This Easter, explore the true meaning of love in the groundbreaking book, "Love Like God: Embracing Unconditional Love," by bestselling author Caroline A. Shearer.

Created by Absolute Love Publishing, "Love Like God" encourages readers to release conditions on love and embrace love in its purest form, as Jesus did on the cross. Demonstrated by a diverse group from all spiritual and religious beliefs, well-known individuals introduce us to this concept of unconditional love - and show us how to get there.

"As God loves, so may we," says Shearer. "This Easter, let us be reminded of the ultimate sign of unconditional love - Jesus' forgiveness of those who hung him on the cross. Reading "Love Like God" is a valuable reminder of the power of this time - a time to share this gift of unconditional love."

• Are you in a conflicted relationship with your spouse?
• Do you struggle with an addiction, or with self-love?
• Are you holding blame against those who have hurt you?

This book will break through those barriers and will show you how to love as He does, as Jesus did.

Experts acclaim "Love Like God," which garnered an endorsement from a giant in the publishing industry - Mark Victor Hansen, co-founder of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series. He says, "If you're ready to experience and express unconditional love ... read this book!"

"Love Like God" is a perfect Easter gift. Along with each enriching story, readers will find reflections and affirmations to help them grow into a state of unconditional love. Story examples: World-renowned spiritual musician Deva Premal describes her journey of self-love amidst growing fame. Deepak Chopra-trained Crystal Dwyer expresses the lessons she discovered while confronting her father's alcoholism. Bestselling author Kristen Moeller reveals her poignant journey with bulimia. Peace promoter Lisa Gibson reveals what led her to choose love over hate after her brother's death in the 1988 terrorist bombing of Pan Am Flight 103.

Additionally: Portia Berry Allen (Lady Rerun,) K.L. and Tiffany Braxton Belvin, Jesse Birkey, Chase Block, Anicia Bragg, Kundan Chhabra, Robin Craig, Tonya Fitzpatrick, Esq., Vida Ghaffari, Jon Graves, Gayle Gregory, Diana Y. Harris, Dana Heidkamp, Jennifer Hicks, Jennifer K. Hunt, Dr. Matthew B. James, Jacquie Jordan, Dr. Judy Kuriansky, Lori La Bey, Sharmen Lane, Nicole Lanning, Rick Lannoye, Katharine C. McCorkle, Ph.D., Shirley W. Mitchell, Roy Nelson, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (Life Bliss Swami,) Claudio Reilsono, Dea Shandera and Brent N. Hunter, Lorelei Shellist, Dr. Joseph Shrand, Leesa Sklover, Ph.D., Cliff Snider, Laura Stinchfield, Gloria Tom Wing Staudt, Tom Von Deck, and Tom Wright.

Absolute Love Publishing (www.absolutelovepublishing.com) is an Austin, Texas-based publisher devoted to creating works that promote love and light in the world.

Caroline A. Shearer is a bestselling author, speaker, and founder of Absolute Love Publishing. Her books include "Love Like God" and the "Adventures of a Lightworker" mystery series. Known as a fresh, distinctive, spiritual voice, Caroline's vision is to promote goodness and love in the world through the inspiration of others

Email: absolutelovepublishing at gmail dot com

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