East Restaurant Gives Some Food For Thought to Green Initiative
Online, August 13, 2013 (Newswire.com) - East Bar Lounge Grill in Richardshaw Lane, Leeds, West Yorkshire has decided to offset its carbon footprint by participating in a green initiative with The Green Earth Appeal. Following in the footsteps of food legends like Marco Pierre White and James Martin, East restaurant has taken the responsibility of serving quality meals with a "green contribution" to the environment. Their diners now will get an opportunity to help The Green Earth Appeal's 'Food For Thought' campaign which works towards making some of the world's poorest economies to become self sustainable by planting trees. All this, while enjoying the mouthwatering Eastern fusion cuisine served at the East Bar Lounge Grill.
The ever popular East Bar Lounge Grill Restaurant was started 27 years ago as a family managed takeaway and restaurant by brothers, Ishy Ahmed and Mo Hanif. Over the years it has evolved into a popular eating out place and night spot known as an excellent venue for parties, buffets, socializing over Sunday lunch, or for students meeting over a coffee and chat. The delicious East meets West fusion food that is served throughout the day/evening is what attracts the crowd to this place.
Ishy and Mo are now involved more as consultants and the new Director is Kash, who has re-engineered the extensive menu to include more modern Eastern dishes and traditional Western meals. In fact, some of the popular, flavourful dishes on the menu are unique to East's chefs. The secret of East's stupendous success can be attributed to their award winning fusion cuisine, a perfect blend of Asian and English classics using as many local ingredients as possible and of course the varied choice of spaces offered to suit each customer's requirement. Apart from the award winning fusion food that can be savoured at Cafe East, some of the best beverages from around the world can be sampled at the exclusive champagne Velvet Lounge Bar or their sister spot, East Enigma. Be it a fun weekend after a long, hard week or a small private affair, the food, drinks and music by the resident DJs can make one's time at East fun and worth it. So, whatever the mood or occasion it surely is time to head East!
Kash is extremely passionate about quality of service and food at East. He has embraced the highly acclaimed Food For Thought campaign with equal passion and commitment. The Food For Thought initiative is a programme that allows restaurants to help the poorest of the poor around the world while offsetting their carbon footprint. All the three family members participated enthusiastically during the launch of East's partnership with Food For Thought.
Food For Thought is the brainchild of Manchester social entrepreneur Marvin Baker, who has nurtured and grown this green initiative from a tiny idea to a hugely successful programme that has brought about positive change to the economy and environment of some of the most underdeveloped communities across the world.
This innovative programme is a part of the Green Earth Appeal, which involves the food and hospitality industry in supporting a greener, sustainable future for poor communities in the developing nations and at the same time building their green credentials and loyalty with their diners.
Customers at East Bar Lounge Grill now get to be a part of this great initiative as they can choose to contribute just 99p on their bill towards a worthy cause. For every contribution, Green Earth Appeal will plant a fruit tree in Africa, Asia or South America on behalf of the patron.
Food For Thought's planting partner network works with non-government organizations (NGOs) and charities in Africa, Asia and South America. The support and contribution by the generous diners of the participating restaurants is used to educate the struggling communities in these countries about the best way to use their land and natural resources to build nurseries, plant trees and become self sufficient.
Every 99p collected guarantees a single tree will be planted. These trees not only offset the carbon footprint of the meal but also offset any food wastage by producing fruits. It is a win-win situation for all as the multiple benefits of a small contribution have a positive global effect on people and the environment. Kash Singh - Director of East Bar Lounge Grill, was very happy to partner with this green initiative and said, "We are proud to be associated with The Green Earth Appeal's Food For Thought green initiative. It's an excellent opportunity for the restaurant to make a positive contribution in the developing world, while offsetting our carbon footprint."
For further information:
Food for Thought and The Green Earth Appeal - contact:
Founder - Marvin Baker on 0161 684 2339/ 07958 022011 or email marvin@greenearthappeal.org or uk.linkedin.com/pub/marvin-baker/11/792/334
Visit: The Green Earth Appeal - http://www.greenearthappeal.org/
Food For Thought - http://www.greenearthappeal.org/how-we-help/food-for-thought
Operations - Charmian Gunnis on 07768 806737 or email charmian@greenearthappeal.org or
East Bar Lounge Grill - contact: Director - Kash Singh on 0113 255 9191 / Mobile: 07879 907640 Email: kash@eastrestaurntleeds.co.uk or visit: http://www.eastbarloungegrill.com and http://www.greenearthappeal.org/?ref=eblg