Dulce De Baby Introduces Pregnancy And Baby Product Website

Dulce De Baby connects new and expectant parents with quality pregnancy and baby products.

Los Angeles, CA- Dulce De Baby has unveiled it's new website, www.dulcedebaby.com, to help new and expectant parents find the best in pregnancy and baby products, parenting resources and platforms to share information and connect with other parents. Designed and maintained by two moms, this website shines a light on quality, parent tested products for babies and infants as well as valuable baby and pregnancy information that parents will find useful as they start their new journey into parenthood.

"This website is meant to be fun and informative" said Carrie Ray, one of the site's creators. "During my pregnancy I was looking through parenting sites and found that most of them were packed with information but difficult to navigate so it took me time to find what I was looking for. We set out to create a site that is well designed, clearly written and provides visitors with an ample amount of information without overwhelming them" states Jennifer Erin, the sites co-creator. Dulce De Baby offers product recommendations, a quality blog, coupon codes for online buying and a forum for visitors to connect and share information.

About Dulce De Baby

Dulce De Baby
Los Angeles
