Due Diligence & Ethics Compliance Training

The MPM Group, Inc., a nationally recognized litigation support and consultancy firm, announces the expansion of their time-tested Due Diligence & Ethics Training program to include Ethics Training for Federal and State Law Enforcement Personnel.

The MPM Group, Inc., a nationally recognized litigation support and consulting firm, is proud to announce the expansion of their Due Diligence and Ethics Compliance services - a program specifically designed for corporate and government executives.

Due in no small measure to the financial market meltdown - coupled with the numerous high-profile convictions for corporate fraud and/or professional misconduct, corporate and government ethical behavior is once again in the public and media crosshairs. In response, The MPM Group has developed an impressive panel of due diligence, ethical compliance and academic professionals that are uniquely qualified to discuss this new national 'comply or die' environment, as well as the best practices, with those in corporate boardrooms, federal/state government management, or any other business organization. Select management groups that now, more than ever, face the prospect of increased scrutiny from compliance regulators, the media and, more frequently of late, government prosecutors.

As some poorly advised business executives have learned of late, the U.S. government long ago established their expectations concerning Due Diligence and Ethical Compliance. Specifically, Section 8B2.1 of the Federal Sentencing Guidelines ("Guidelines") sets forth the required steps that any organization must take to have an "effective compliance and ethics program"-one entitling it to any kind of mitigation-under these Guidelines.

Generally, there are four factors that increase the ultimate punishment of an organization: (1) the involvement in or tolerance of criminal activity; (2) the organization's prior history; (3) the violation of an order; and (4) the obstruction of justice. Interestingly, there are two factors that will mitigate an organization's ultimate punishment: (1a) the existence of an effective compliance and ethics program within it; and (2b) self-reporting, cooperation, or acceptance of responsibility by the organization.

Drawing upon their eclectic 'real world' resources, MPM's contributing experts present their proven and time-tested recommendations/solutions for these mandatory, albeit oft-times confusing, government compliance issues. Arguably, "simple" solutions that are traditionally based on four primary preventive measures: (1) Effective pre-employment screening; (2) Periodic employee updates; (3) Updated Compliance Training and (4) Sound Corporate, Legal and/or Public Relations Advice. Interestingly, most presentations can be offered in an extremely entertaining, yet informal setting in the boardroom or in any other in-service training venue.

Lastly, to compliment the preceding Due Diligence & Ethics presentations, MPM has also developed an unprecedented program addressing Ethics and Law Enforcement. This innovative and certainly unique program offers exclusive presentations from former federal/state law enforcement professionals who candidly discuss the "Blue Line" of silence as well as the ramifications of being criminally or administratively charged with official police misconduct and its aftermath - financially, legally, and psychologically. Obviously, a real-time presentation with all the makings of a compelling presentation directed specifically toward law enforcement professionals.

For more information concerning these or any other services offered by The MPM Group, you can contact a representative Toll Free at 1-877-MPM-4777 or at the MPM corporate website www.TheMPMGroup.com