Dr X. Michelle Chen Reveals her Study: Effect of Environmental and Ethical Concerns on Food Product Purchasing Decisions in The September Issue of Food and Drink Digital

Food & Drink Digital, a top digital media source for global food and drink news and information announces the launch of its cover story discussing how ethics affect cu

(SAN DIEGO, CA) - Food & Drink Digital, a top digital media source for global food and drink news and information reaching over 155,646 C-Level executives and more than 49,814 companies worldwide, announces the launch of its cover story discussing how ethics affect customers' choices.

Consumers are becoming more aware of the impact that their purchases can have on the environment, on animal welfare, and on the conditions of workers in the food industry. This has led to problems for some manufacturers facing boycotts for perceived unethical behaviour, but it has also opened up huge potential opportunities for companies with strong ethical credentials.

These are some of the questions that Dr X. Michelle Chen of Campden BRI wanted to look into with her study, Effect of Environmental and Ethical Concerns on Food Product Purchasing Decisions.

Dr. Chen explains: "Basically this research was proposed in response to the surge in consumer and government interest for food manufacturers to focus on products that were not only of good quality and value for money but also met high standards of social and environmental welfare. The focus of the research project was the on-pack presentation and communication of ethical statements, environmental messages and labels and their impact on consumers' purchasing decisions."

Read the full article here http://www.foodanddrinkdigital.com/industry-focus/retailing/how-do-your-ethics-affect-your-customers%E2%80%99-choices