Dr. Ivan Godfrey's New Book 'Corrections and Beyond' Brings a Unique and Holistic Perspective to Doing Time

Fulton Books author Dr. Ivan Godfrey, an associate professor of criminal justice and behavioral science at SUNY Ulster Community College, a visiting professor in the forensic mental health department at Russell Sage College and the school of social welfare at the SUNY University at Albany, has completed his most recent book "Corrections and Beyond": a stirring memoir about the experience and life of a corrections officer. It also explores the experience inside correctional facilities from his point of view, bringing a real and raw testimony to everyone.

"When Ivan Godfrey began his career as a corrections officer in the New York State Corrections System, it was still reeling from the brutal retaliation to the prison riots at Attica. As a young African American, he grew up in the Bronx, then he worked in prisons, such as the notorious Sing-Sing Prison. In fact, Ivan often met inmates he knew on the streets from his New York City neighborhood.

"His memoir is a wonderful testament to his determination to strive for a better life and take care of his growing family while working in some of the most dangerous prisons in America. It is also a one-of-a-kind window into the life of a young Black prison guard as he struggled to climb the ladder of success despite inherent and overt racial barriers.

"Now he is an associate professor, teaching criminal justice and behavioral science at SUNY Ulster CC, forensic mental health at Russell Sage College, and forensic social work and the criminal justice system at the University at Albany School of Social Welfare. Dr. Ivan Godfrey's memoir is an inspiring journey from the streets of the Bronx to the daily psychological and physical violence while working for over 30 years in the NY State Correction System and finally to the halls of academia."

Published by Fulton Books, Dr. Ivan Godfrey's book reflects his own journey of being a corrections officer and a Correctional Academy instructor, and his extensive career and experiences across this field.

With the author's academic training and practical experience, he is able to provide a great picture about the experience of incarceration, re-entry and discusses the subject clearly enough for policymakers, students, and many others.

Readers who wish to experience this great work can purchase "Corrections and Beyond" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes Store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

Please direct all media inquiries to Author Support via email at support@fultonbooks.com or via telephone at 877-210-0816. 

Source: Fulton Books