Dr Hani Sakla Says How Lasik Can Make the Summer a Blast with Good Vision

Dr Hani Sakla, educates patient on how LASIK treatment can change the way they enjoy the summer, outdoors or indoors!

 Dr. Hani Sakla,  a highly qualified and  experienced LASIK Eye Surgeon in Dubai, is educating individuals on how LASIK can relieve themselves from the hassle and stress of corrective lenses that will prevent them from having fun in the sun and enjoying their much awaited summer holidays. Summer is a time that everyone looks forward to in every part of the globe, school is out and families are making plans to enjoy the holidays with many activities. Dr Sakla founder of the Ebsaar Eye Surgery Center, a full fledged eye clinic specializing in Lasik and Cataract surgeries, will provide information on the LASIK procedure and affordability options so that individual's can enjoy the summer with optimum vision.

With summer just around the corner, plans are being made to stay out all day long and getting the most out of this season. Dr. Sakla says" It's important now, more than ever to make sure people are aware of how they can drastically improve their the quality of their vision with LASIK Treatment and enjoy the summer activities. Whether they are heading to the water park, beach, amusement park or escaping the blistering heat or simply watching  a move indoors, freedom from lenses can help patients enjoy their summer to the maximum, without the burden of wearing eye glasses or suffering from the discomfort and infections of contacts”, who deems summer as the perfect time to opt for LASIK in Dubai.

"The drive to educate the users of eyeglasses and contacts is very helpful", says a patient who says that the vision correction options drastically improved his participation in outdoor activities such as diving, water skiing, swimming and water polo, "which can be otherwise  troublesome for those who wear eyeglasses or contact lens" he said.

The Eye Clinic uses state of the art lasers under the guidance of Dr Sakla, so that the treatment produces more accurate with  instant results, efficient and comfortable. Having performed many treatments and with a wealth of knowledge and specialized training, Dr. Sakla's mission is to provide the highest care through LASIK treatment.

About Ebsaar    

Ebsaar Eye Surgery Center is a full fledged eye clinic specializing in Lasik and Cataract surgeries. Founded by Dr. Hani Sakla, a renowned and internationally acclaimed eye surgeon, the clinic is home to the  latest eye technology and surgical equipments. All doctors at the Clinic are internationally experienced with more than 30 years of experience and have been involved in the development of Lasik and Cataract surgical treatments in many countries around the world.  The Clinic's Lasik and Cataract surgery team have been involved in significant technical innovation throughout the world and brings this International experience to the citizens of the UAE.


Contact Information


Vision Correction Solutions

Jumeirah Beach R/D, behind The Village Mall, Villa 32 A, Jumeirah 1
P.O. Box: 333397, Dubai
United Arab Emirates

Tel:   +971 4 344 01 22 
Fax: +971 4 344 01 66
Toll Free: 800-327227(Ebsaar)
Email: info@ebsaar.com