Doreen Iacona - Lifestyle Enhancement Specialist

Lifestyle Enhancement Specialist, Doreen Iacona offers innovative lifestyle enhancement program at HealthQuest, in Brooklyn, NY.

Healthy eating habits, physical fitness, and spiritual growth are core factors that contribute to a healthy and balanced life. For just about every individual, there may be some aspects in their lives that they wish to transform.

Serving as a lifestyle enhancement specialist, Doreen Iacona helps you to transform your life in simple, quick and easy ways. Through a six month program, she will teach you specific methods to restore your health and vitality, achieve ideal weight, increase energy, and to look and feel better. She'll work with you to develop a step-by-step plan to improve your emotional and physical health, and also instruct you on how to derive greater pleasure from eating.

The six-month lifestyle enhancement program with Doreen includes:

• 2 one hour phone or in-person sessions per month
• Limitless support by email with a 48 - hour turnaround
• Meditation and relaxation techniques
• Motivational and emotional support
• A 30 minute functional body workout
• Invitations to free monthly seminars and private workshops
• Personalized programs specific to your needs

By combining her comprehensive training and experience, she will make gradual, lifelong changes that would enable you to reach your current and future health goals.

As a health counselor, Doreen has studied all the major dietary theories. She now serves as a lifestyle enhancement specialist at HealthQuest - a sophisticated multi-specialty healthcare center conveniently located in Brooklyn, New York.