Donate To Mitt Romney - Conservative Political Action Committees, Like US For Liberty, Gear Up For A Flood Of Donations

Donations to Mitt Romney have skyrocketed since the Supreme Court upheld Obama Care and conservative Political Action Committees, like US for Liberty, are counting on those donations from Romney supporters to get their messages out.

Donations to Mitt Romney have skyrocketed since the Supreme Court upheld Obama Care and conservative Political Action Committees are counting on those donations from Romney supporters to get their messages out. While much of the money donated will be used for both positive and negative ad campaigns, grass roots driven PACs, like US for Liberty, will be taking their voter registration drives to key swing states in advance of the November Presidential election.

Riley Judd, the President of US for Liberty stated, "This multi state effort will let the voices of tens of thousands of independent conservatives be heard at the ballot box this fall. Our goal is to reach those undecided voters, through the use of 'Liberty Tables' set up in key locations, such as shopping malls, public thoroughfares, events, and other high traffic areas."

US for Liberty plans to successfully register independent and conservative minded voters and have a one-on-one dialogue supporting like-minded candidates this election cycle. Volunteers for the PAC, called Liberty Ambassadors, who man these tables will also encourage a get-out-the-vote effort for those already registered.

US for Liberty in California has already experienced success in voter registration efforts during the California primary elections. Dr. Evelyn Li, California Congressional Candidate said, "The liberty tables are a great way to get your name out to thousands of people in a short period of time and have someone that represents you on a one on one basis at a grassroots level. I would recommend the Liberty Tables as a very effective way for candidates to communicate with potential voters."

Donations to Mitt Romney have skyrocketed since the Supreme Court upheld Obama Care and conservative Political Action Committees are counting on those donations from Romney supporters to get their messages out. While much of the money donated will be used for both positive and negative ad campaigns, grass roots driven PACs, like US for Liberty, will be taking their voter registration drives to key swing states in advance of the November Presidential election.

About US For Liberty
