Dolo Waterfall Is Bautiful Natural Place

Dolo Waterfall in one beatutifull place in indonesia, You can visit in this place, Very beautiful in there

Kediri Regency has some beautiful waterfalls. One is the Dolo Waterfall. This resort is located in the hamlet Besuki, Jugo Village, District Mojo, Kediri. Distance from Kediri City to the west, about 25 km (45 minutes). Although a bit far, but the scenery along the road to the location is very beautiful and fairly easy.

For lovers of hiking (mountain climbing), Mountain Besuki is a very attractive alternative for the conquered and enjoyed. Fatigue and thirst relieved, when reach Dolo Waterfall, coolness and a very dazzling panorama of visitors, the midst location on the mountain forests Besuki add beautiful and the cool region. Tranquility and comfort that are served will certainly coddle your regular routine and fatigue shackled in the working atmosphere and urban activities.

Situated at an altitude of 1,800 meters above sea level, precisely in Besuki Hamlet, Village Jugo, District Mojo, Kediri Regency with the distance about 30 km (60 menit) from Kediri City, awake enough noise and pollution from the downtown. The beauty of this tourist attraction complete with a fresh and cool air typical of the mountains, plus green and tranquil atmosphere and naturalness of its own waterfall. Location Dolo Waterfall can be seen from the satellite via Google Maps with coordinates 7 ° 52'10 "S 111 ° 50'5" E, which can be tracked via GPS or mobile phone with GPS support.

Your trip will be pampered with a carpet of green pine forest view complete with its distinctive aroma.

Untuk perjalanan menuju Air Terjun Dolo, kita harus berhenti di Dusun Besuki dan melanjutkan perjalanan dengan berjalan kaki, karena jalan menuju ke arah Air Terjun Dolo mendaki dan tidak mungkin dilewati kendaraan. Jalanannya berupa tangga-tangga dari bebatuan yang dibuat melingkari daerah tersebut. Bebatuan tersebut menambah pesona dan nilai tersendiri yang membedakan dengan air terjun ditempat lain.

Setelah dibekukan oleh dinginnya Air Terjun Dolo, pengunjung dapat memanaskan suasana dengan menikmati fasilitas pariwisata yang tersedia seperti Joging ataupun Hiking Area. Bagi yang membawa keluarga dapat mengajaknya ke taman bermain yang tersedia. Tersedia pula Camping Ground bagi pengunjung yang ingin tinggal dan menikmati suasana kawasan ini lebih lama. Beberapa meter dari air terjun, kita dapat menemukan kebun sayur dan strowberi di sebuah pondokan yang terbuat dari bambu, pengunjung bisa membeli sayuran dan stroberi yang masih segar bahkan bisa langsung dapat memetiknya sendiri dari pohon.

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