Doctor and Cancer Survivor Pens Essential Book: 'You Finished Treatment, Now What? A Field Guide for Cancer Survivors'

AMHERST, Mass., September 27, 2022 ( - Dr. Amy Rothenberg addresses the enormous lack of information for survivors who seek to address health challenges that persist after cancer care, and who want to reduce the risk of recurrence. You Finished Treatment provides a roadmap for lifestyle and natural medicine approaches and is peppered with Dr. Rothenberg's own story of recovery and resilience. She presents the evidence to support whole person, lifestyle, and natural medicine integrated with ongoing oncology care. Written for survivors everywhere and those who love them, the author makes sense of an overwhelming topic in a user-friendly, accessible way, filled with actionable content, warmth, humor, and humanity.
Praise for You Finished Treatment, Now What? A Field Guide for Cancer Survivors
"This book and all of Dr. Rothenberg's approaches create a treatment plan that dovetails and compliments conventional cancer care, and most importantly encourages physical vitality, mental clarity, and emotional balance." — Nancy H. O'Hara, MD, MPH, FAAP
"There is an enormous unmet need for relatable, valid, clear, and helpful advice for people after cancer treatment is complete and patients are all too often abandoned to the rocky road of survivorship. Drawing on her own experience as both a practitioner and a patient, Dr. Rothenberg ably navigates the world of care and cure with the effortless encouragement of a real pro who really knows and can help you understand what's needed to step into a brighter and better future." — Richard Penson, MD, MRCP, Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School & Clinical Director of Medical Gynecologic Oncology, Massachusetts General Hospital
"Beautifully written, and full of practical and actionable advice, You Finished Treatment, belongs in the hands, minds, and hearts of cancer survivors, their families, and clinicians." — Paul Mittman, ND, EdD, President and CEO, Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine
Amy Rothenberg, ND, is a licensed naturopathic doctor in Northampton, Massachusetts. She is the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians 2017 Physician of the Year.
Publisher: Koehler Books. 266 pages. Available wherever books are sold.
SOFT COVER: $17.95, 978-1-64663-793-5
HARD COVER: $29.95, 978-1-64663-795-9
eBOOK: $7.99, 978-1-64663-794-2
Source: Dr. Amy Rothenberg, Author