Do You Know Polska? Prove It, Show It, Discover!

Soon enough the eyes of the world will be fixed on Poland when the 2012 European Football Championship kick-starts in the summer 2012. That is why it is time to start getting to know modern Poland on

Soon enough the eyes of the world will be fixed on Poland when the 2012 European Football Championship kick-starts in the summer 2012. That is why it is time to start getting to know modern Poland on

We are pleased to introduce you to Do You know Polska? It is a portal which takes its users right to the heart of the authentic Polish experience through unusual photos, slang expressions and interesting facts. If you want to get a taste of today's Poland with its positive and fun-loving spirit, if you want to visit places which are not featured in typical tourist guides, if you want to learn some popular every day expressions, which might help you out of a tricky social situation one day, visit and check it out for yourselves.

Do You know Polska? unusual photos.
Imagine an interactive web portal which demonstrates what a fascinating and diverse country Poland is.

Do You know Polska? slang expressions.
Think of a practical guide for foreigners, who visit Poland looking for challenge and adventure as well as fun.

The uniqueness of Do You know Polska? is above all that it based entirely on users' contribution. It is they who add photos, expressions and facts about the country where they live, work or study. That is what guarantees the authenticity of all content, which is essential so that you can get a true taste of what young Poles are like, what thrills them and what makes them happy, what language they use in everyday situations, especially in informal and relaxed settings. This guide is a response to questions and queries about Poland as well as an invitation to visit the country.

About The Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
