Discussion With Dmitry Leus Concerning the Secret of Strong Teams

LONDON, England, July 3, 2017 (Newswire.com) - A few days ago, a comprehensive interview concerning the secret of strong teams held with Dmitry Leus, who is an expert in business optimization and financial investments.
The present time could be characterized as astonishing and ambivalent. It is the time when live communication is replaced by robots or "bots," while technology and artificial intelligence attempt to replace a man. It is a time when it seems that there is almost no room for a human.
But despite all the innovations and technological changes, news about the team of talented guys that has made a breakthrough in medicine, about the team of professional players who won the national championship under the management of a new coach for the first time, is broadcast every day. In fact, there are a lot of such examples.
Therefore, it was decided to consider what is actually the secret of strong teams. What should be taken into account by beginners (not only leaders) who have already set ambitious goals and have begun the process of recruiting the right employees?
Thus, Dmitry Leus, a businessman, who has 25 years experience in business, who has built more than one "Dream-Team," will share his opinion on this matter.
The first issue discussed was related to the secret of strong teams and the reason why some leaders manage to create a strong team and others do not.
First of all, Dmitry quoted an expression that reflects rules and principles of effective management:
"Make sure that all employees of the company are moving in one direction, and it will be possible to master any industry, any market! Anywhere and anytime!"
Dmitry claims that at first glance it sounds simple. Meanwhile, only a few people understand the significance and depth of this phrase and use it in reality. They just do it. And they begin with themselves first of all.
Leus admits that it is not easy to gather and unite a certain number of people around a particular goal. Each of them has his or her own convictions, principles and "absolutely correct opinions." Everybody believes that their contribution is the main and most important in the achieved result and the position the company occupies in the market and industry. It is correct, one way or another.
The work of the team can be described as a concerted activity aimed at achieving a common result. In this case the most important and at the same time the most complicated is consistency. In fact, due to lack of coherence, many teams suffer a defeat. Dmitry claims that it can easily be seen in sport, when a private club plays much more effectively than the recently assembled national team! The coherence mentioned before plays here the crucial role. Therefore, it can usually be seen how, for example, in football, the coach tries to build a team on a linear principle, either “extracting” the line of defense or the line of attack from different clubs and “coordinating” their joint actions during training.
The same principle works in business.
Goal - Direction - Synchronization
Sometimes it can be observed how an element falls out of this algorithm and then certain difficulties could arise.
If the team does not have a clear goal or it sounds vague, it will lead to confusion and disorder, to the so-called Brownian movement. In this case each individual member of the team strives to do everything as best as possible, without an understanding of the actual needs. The main reason for these difficulties is that each team member aims to put his best foot forward and prove himself instead of achieving the general goal.
The efforts are negated and lose the synergistic effect when the team has no direction; i.e. Instead of the expected formula:
... the "win-lose" formula appears to be:
In the company where there is no focus, the picture of "constant working" and "high workload of staff" working literally "on the go," can usually be witnessed.
The lack of synchronization leads to the fact that everyone "tries to hog the blanket, despite the fact that it is summer outside!" It causes constant internal conflicts, accusation of adjacent departments in all the troubles, unreasonable redistribution of resources and artificial significance of the result of a separate usually not profit-forming unit. What if all these three components will converge in one company? What kind of result and what kind of teamwork can be discussed?
Thus, if the Leader understands the mentioned algorithm, there are excellent chances of succeeding, building a strong team and achieving the planned result.
The second question was focused on the difference between the notion of "team" and "group," and which of them is preferable to use in business.
Dmitry Leus prioritizes the team work, but if the differences are considered he singles out the main three:
Group |
Team |
Accordingly, it is possible to characterize the group as a number of people who rarely interact with each other, are psychologically aware of each other (but usually do not accept) and treat themselves as a group.
On the contrary, the team strives to achieve a common goal, constantly interacts and coordinates its actions.
Nevertheless, Dmitry affirms that in the cases of the completely manual management of the company (commonly associated with the crisis management), the group will have an advantage. But these are the temporary measures, which have nothing in common with development and business building.
The third question reveals the ways of improvement of the team’s effectiveness.
Leus shared an interesting case. It was a worldwide project — the start-up, which dealt with a new type of investment in housing. It united investors and potential consumers on a single platform. Dmitry was involved in this project as an expert on investments.
The first thing he did was the restructuring of the personnel organization and arranging the processes into linear ones. On the one hand, the interaction between employees was simplified and the repetitive or unnecessary stages of work were eliminated. On the other hand, the unity and a sense of personal contribution to each project appeared. The team itself appeared.
Without going into details, the reports should be revealed: on average the efficiency of each individual member of the team was increased by 28 percent, and the efficiency of the project was increased by 53 percent; that is, a slight increase of the index of each employee considerably affected the project. It is important to note that the measurements had been conducted for 8 months. According to Leus, this is the minimum period of time which can objectively affect the result.
In conclusion, Dmitry Leus clarified the peculiar problems which can arise within the team.
Dmitry noticed that it is not enough to set goals, inspire and encourage high achievements. The special environment that will unite everything is needed. It could serve like an oil for the engine. Despite the fact that each component of the engine is a high-tech design solution and has a set of unique operational properties, without oil it will not work (the classical device).
Therefore, since such parallel is drawn, the role of oil in business is assigned to the Leader.
And here the further comparisons could be made, for example:
1. The team needs to have a leader with the developed managing competencies and skills.
2. The Leader must maintain the defined "high work degree" of the company and the team. At the same time, the “overheating” is not allowed and needs to be regulated. Nevertheless, the leader understands and competently uses the “Forsage” regime.
3. The Leader has enough "detectors" and "instruments," with the help of which he controls the overall operation of the system (company) and conducts tuning actions in time.
4. The Leader perceives all the alterations and always gives feedback.
5. The Leader constantly improves his skills and competencies.
If the problems inside the teams are considered, then the problem of the "tired leader" should be emphasized. This is the situation when the leader doesn't care about the business and product. He leaves the company to chance, hoping that without his participation it will be able to survive and work efficiently.
If it is more a group than a team, then Dmitry highlights the following missteps or "bugs":
1. Mistrust within the team, when everyone does not trust each other, preferring to do everything by themselves.
2. Fear of the unconstructive conflict. It is better not to say a word and keep good relations with everyone, rather than raise the issues related to the overall result and effectiveness of the whole team.
3. Low level of responsibility or its complete absence. Less responsibility — less requirements. Less requirements — fewer errors. Less errors — more salary. This is the so-called inverted formula, "from smaller to larger."
4. Unpretentiousness and indifference to the result. When the desire to maintain good relations causes the irretrievable losses for business and company.
Dmitry concludes that these are the main points of team’s failure, which should be avoided. However, in case they occur, it is just needed to diagnose and fix them in time.
Our discussion has ended up by the inspiring expression:
"Build strong and real teams to reach new heights in business!"
Media Contact:
Dmitry Leus
Source: Dmitry Leus