Discover a New Magical World of Aromas, Colors, and Flavors With Caribbean Spice, Featuring Herbs and Spices From Belize

Founded by Chef Libby Vidrine, Caribbean Spice brand features over a hundred products, made with all-natural ingredients from Belize.

Just three days after graduating from high school, Libby Vidrine packed her bags and left home, Louisiana, in search of a new adventure. Besides traveling to Thailand and Italy, Vidrine spent the next four years in the Caribbean, exploring the islands, discovering cultures and culinary practices, while employed as a chef at local restaurants. Being a native of Louisiana,  Vidrine already had seasoning in her blood—blending ingredients for sweet, pungent, tart, hot, or savory flavors at home—and it did not take her long to discover the magic of local ingredients including herbs and spices.

Selling her first spice blend in an open bag on the beach to a tourist, who came back for more the next day, was an experience like no other, she recalls. Delighted with the epiphany, Vidrine launched her first restaurant in 2000 featuring the spice blend, and has never looked back. Today, Vidrine is the proud owner of four restaurants in the Caribbean featuring unique local spice blends.

In 2008, Vidrine became a mother and relocated to the wilderness of Belize with her three-month-old son for a simpler, cleaner life. While managing the restaurants from her new home, she also began supplying seasoning and sauces to wholesale customers.  In response to the continued demand, from the first batch of ten, Vidrine has grown the Caribbean Spice brand to over a hundred products.

“Though many ingredients including allspice, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, and nutmeg are available in other parts of the world, the climate and nutrients in the soil give Caribbean herbs and spices their unique characteristics,” Vidrine says. Featuring no preservatives or additives, each all-natural Caribbean Spice product has a trove of helpful information including a description of the origin and recommended guidelines on how to integrate the blend into cooking, at home or a star-rated restaurant.

For more information, please visit or call 011 501 651 3033.

About Caribbean Spice

In the foothills of Belize’s Mountain Pine Ridge, every one of our natural ingredients are raised. Our products include an exotic array of wild, local and traditional spices. Over 90% of all our ingredients are nurtured by the rich tropical soil of the Belizean Rainforest.  The coconuts, vegetables, peppers, and herbs are dried by the Caribbean sun and harvested by local farmers up the road.

 Our homemade products are inspired by our diverse surroundings including the savory flavors of the Maya, Mestizo, Guatemalan, Caribe, and Garifuna people. Chef Libby Vidrine’s international culinary experiences range from Thailand to Italy and the Virgin to Caribbean Islands, it all comes together to form our unique sauces, spices, and other products.