Disaster First Aid - It's Not Your Grandfather's First Aid
Online, November 4, 2009 (Newswire.com) - ---
THIS IS NOT YOUR GRANDFATHER'S "STANDARD FIRST AID." Disaster First Aid is much more, and also much less. It's MORE - it features S.T.A.R.T. Disaster Triage, the simple rapid system used by firefighters, paramedics, and rescue First Responders (which standard first aid doesn't have). And it's LESS - It's shorter (just six hours) It's targeted to critical essentials only (leaves out childbirth, jellyfish stings, etc).
DFA has been used since the mid-1990's by private schools for disaster preparedness, and by corporations for Employee Safety programs. Now Disaster First Aid is showing up in many city and county C.E.R.T. programs (Citizen's Emergency Response Training) often as an additional course for community organizers, block captains, and those interested in volunteering for the Medical Team of their C.E.R.T. group. This month DFA becomes available for independent instructors and small-business First Aid training centers.
With a user-friendly Instructor Kit and Powerpoint presentation, Disaster First Aid is designed to be taught by either average citizens or emergency professionals. Early in 2010 DFA will introduce a new Instructor Training Course to make teaching even more accessible for more people.
Disaster First Aid is the first professionally written, experience-based citizen-level first aid course for large-scale emergencies. These actions and protocols are based on standard Public Safety First Responder protocols, adapted to the citizen's level of ability and resources. Disaster First Aid interfaces directly with the Disaster Plans used by municipal Public Safety personnel such as Paramedics, Police and Fire Departments, and Emergency Rescue Teams.
This course was created by an Adult Education Teacher and Emergency Medical caregiver who is also a former Firefighter, Fire Training Officer, Emergency Medical Services Officer, and a currently practicing Hospital E.R. Emergency Medical Technician with more than 20 years of hospital and field experience.
More information is available at: www.disasterfirstaid.com. Questions and comments are welcomed: dfa.california@gmail.com