Digital Transformation. Sounds Like Star Wars, Doesn't It?

Click Asia Summit 2016 (#CAS16) , scheduled to be held in Mumbai on the 21st & 22nd April is working on curating content that brands will find useful to put together their own playbooks for digital transformation.

Its 2016 (well, almost). Brands across the globe are looking at new ways to get users and customers. With multivariate channels fragmenting the audience and budgets that are not growing in the same trajectory as the population, most marketers are left chasing somewhat improbable goals. (yeah...lots of big words to make us sound pseudo-intellectual, we know).

Learning by practice, from the experience of others, evaluating data points and in-depth analysis of innovative product information along with details of how to tackle legacy marketing issues are some of the points that Click Asia Summit events and its online platform plans to address.

Learning by practice, from the experience of others, evaluating data points and in-depth analysis of innovative product information along with details of how to tackle legacy marketing issues are some of the points that Click Asia Summit events and its online platform plans to address.

Sandra Jones, Event Manager

Click Asia Summit 2016 (#CAS16) , scheduled to be held in Mumbai on the 21st & 22nd April is working on curating content that brands will find useful to put together their own playbooks for digital transformation. Aimed to be a niche event for senior marketers, #CAS16 shall also have online webinars, AMA sessions and reports that are created to answer questions by marketers on an on-going basis.

If the past Click Asia events are anything to go by, delegates can be assured of a well-planned agenda and pre-selected speakers (saving the audience from obvious pitching) that would make the conference experience worthwhile. The team behind Click Asia are digital marketers and event junkies with extensive experience on event formats, and shall ensure that they are focused on delegates’ experience more than optimizing budgets.

“Events, the bedrock for corporate learning and the second biggest budgeted items in the marketing & training expense sheet help create an environment of collaboration, fertile ground for creative ideas and long-term networking. Click Asia was born out of a passion for digital media and events and we shall bring these two together in the upcoming events”, comments Kavita Jhunjhunwala, Director, Click Media Pvt Ltd (owner of the Click Asia IP).

Google, LinkedIn, Star, OgilvyOne, Moz, Saatchi and Saatchi, MTV and a few dozen other brands have already been a part of the Click Asia Summits. 2016 promises to address the good, the bad and the ugly in digital marketing & transformation in a head-on fashion with digital disruptors and influencers.

To quote, one of our favorite “inspirational speakers”, Jedi Master Yoda, “Do. Or do not. There is no try.”

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