DeepDive Group Champions World Round Trip to Showcase 'Technology as an Enabler'

Co-Founder and President of DeepDive Group Sets Sail on a Digital Odyssey

Dubai Poseidon's Herald - Tech-Empowered Voyage

DeepDive Group [], a pioneering technology conglomerate, is thrilled to announce its sponsorship and unwavering support for a revolutionary initiative that underscores the transformative power of technology. Misha Hanin, the Co-Founder and President of DeepDive Group, will commence a global voyage from Dubai, culminating his journey in the same city aboard a digitally enabled and fully self-assisted sailboat. This venture epitomizes the seamless blend of technology and adventure.

The mission, christened "Poseidon's Herald Adventure," stands as a powerful testament to the conviction that technology has the potential to empower and facilitate individuals in every conceivable domain, even amidst the boundless expanses of the oceans. Misha Hanin, fondly referred to as the "Nautical Nomad," has previously navigated a momentous voyage from Constanta, Romania to Dubai, UAE. This expedition will soon be meticulously documented and made accessible on the website []. His upcoming journey is poised to be even more audacious, with comprehensive coverage on the Poseidon's Herald Adventure blog, where Hanin chronicles his maritime escapades through vivid photographs, engaging diaries, and invaluable insights.

"Technology is the cornerstone of all our endeavors, and I'm embarking on this global sail, commencing and concluding in Dubai, to validate this belief," articulates Hanin.

The unwavering support from DeepDive Group, bolstered by its strategic partners, accentuates the organization's dedication to transcending technological frontiers. This global expedition is not merely an adventure; it's a profound declaration that technology remains an indomitable force, even in the most remote regions of our planet.

Journalists and the global community are cordially invited to accompany Misha Hanin on his journey through the Poseidon's Herald Adventure website []. Regular updates on the impending global sail, coupled with insights from the historic voyage from Constanta to Dubai, will be diligently curated for readers' exploration.

For media inquiries and additional details, kindly reach out to

Source: DeepDive Technology Group

About Deepdive Digital Technologies International Inc.

DeepDive Technology Group (DDTG) was formed on the principle of providing customers with the most advanced solutions to meet their business needs, all while ensuring technical complexity does not stifle innovation.

Deepdive Digital Technologies International Inc.
Habtoor Business Tower , #Unit 502
Dubai, Dubai


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