Dawson Marketing Concepts Enjoys Busy Holiday Season

Company leaders at Dawson Marketing Concepts are committed to balancing productivity and fun during the holidays. The firm's director of operations discussed this and how reaching year-end goals will set the company up for a great 2016.

“We at Dawson Marketing Concepts are well-versed in how stressful and even overwhelming the holiday season can be for a business,” stated Vince, the firm’s director of operations. “Pursuing year-end goals can sometimes take a back seat to simply keeping your head above water from day to day. We try to strike the right balance and give our associates the chance to enjoy the holidays while also meeting their work objectives.”

Vince encourages his team members to get in the mood of the season, even with high benchmarks waiting to be reached. He explained, “I think listening to holiday music and putting up some decorations in the office are great ways to boost morale. We’re always looking for ways to power through the most hectic times, and I think setting a holiday mood is an ideal way to give everyone an extra boost to get across the finish line.”

"We at Dawson Marketing Concepts are well-versed in how stressful and even overwhelming the holiday season can be for a business,"

Vince, Director of Operations

Setting clear expectations also helps the Dawson Marketing Concepts team reach their end-of-year goals. Despite the sometimes overwhelming nature of the holiday rush, knowing exactly what is expected of them helps professionals hit the right marks. The director commented, “I think it’s important to be honest and transparent about just how busy things will be. When you’re realistic about what your team can accomplish and lay out specific guidelines to help everyone reach their targets, great things happen.”

Dawson Marketing Concepts Closes Out 2015 With a Great 2016 in Mind

“Our commitment to setting aggressive goals has served us well here at Dawson Marketing Concepts,” Vince added. “It also continues to benefit the people behind the brands we serve. As we pursue our end-of-year objectives, I can already see how successful 2016 promises to be.”

It is essential to begin a new calendar year with positive momentum, and the director believes the high achievers at Dawson Marketing Concepts are well on their way to building it. “We are looking forward to expanding operations and growing our team in 2016,” the director said. “With this year coming to a successful close, I have no doubt that we will turn those projections into reality and reach new heights of prosperity. I know I speak for the entire team when I say that we can’t wait to get started.”

About Dawson Marketing Concepts
Dawson Marketing Concepts is a Houston-based leader in promotional marketing, dedicated to building creative and innovative event-based promotions that form sustainable links between clients and their customers. Their highly-trained team of event coordinators has the skills and knowledge needed to design experiential consumer events to offer exclusive incentives packages that generate stronger revenues and a greater return on investment. Based on careful demographic research and analysis, their targeted campaigns allow businesses to rise to higher levels than their competitors. As a result, Dawson Marketing Concepts has built a reputation for driving success and growth. See what they are designing next by visiting www.dawsonmarketingconcepts.com.