David Skoll To Speak At Canadian IPv6 Summit

2011 IPv6 summit to be held at the University of Ottawa, April 29th 2011

David F. Skoll, President and CTO of Roaring Penguin Software, an Ottawa based anti-spam software developer, will speak at the 2011 IPv6 Summit. This event is hosted by the Telfer School of Management at the University of Ottawa, and will take place on April 29th, 2011. The topic of Mr. Skoll's speech is "IPv6 and e-mail".

David Skoll will be speaking about some of the issues raised in transferring e-mail services to IPv6. Initially, it would appear that e-mail is relatively easy to transition to IPv6. The core software, Mail Transfer Agents such as Sendmail and Exchange, Mail User Agents such as Outlook, and operating systems, etc., have been IPv6-ready for some time. It would appear that System Administrators face only a brief glitch in connectivity when switching from IPv4 to IPv6 (which at most will only delay e-mail rather than cause it to fail).

However, there are some "gotchas" lurking in the transition of e-mail from IPv4 to IPv6. Some of the e-mail filtering techniques common in IPv4 are not IPv6-ready. In particular, there are few IPv6-based reputation systems. Additionally, the huge address space of IPv6 has surprising implications for DNS-based reputation lists. The distribution of reputation data may need re-architecting to cope with IPv6.

Roaring Penguin Software has been a leader in addressing the e-mail filtering issues raised by IPv6. They announced their first IPv6 ready anti-spam solution in August of 2009.

For more information on the IPv6 summit, visit http://ipv6summit.ca/index.php/v6/2011.