Dauntless Events, Inc. Creates an Environment of Success

By following specific steps, leaders at Dauntless Events, Inc. have developed a strong inter-office and corporate culture. The firm's Director discussed a recent move and team-building events.

 “When you find a team-oriented environment of success in any business or organization, you can be sure it didn’t happen by accident,” declared Brey, Dauntless Events, Inc.’s Director of Operations. “It’s a real challenge to get talented, creative, ambitious individuals to work together, and in my experience this happens best when company leaders have established a culture that encourages collaboration.”

Brey continued, sharing the steps that she and other Dauntless Events, Inc. leaders take to make sure their culture supports the right behaviors and attitudes. For starters, the Director shared that teamwork is one of the core values at the firm, and that groups working on individual campaigns are given the autonomy and resources they need to see their projects through to completion. In this way unity and trust are built, both of which are required for teams to flourish.

"Nights like this are when people let their guards down and step outside their professional roles to make authentic connections with their colleagues. Informal teams often spring up at these events that cross over offices and departments. When this happens, you've got a cohesive team culture to be proud of!"

Aubrey, Director of Operations

Also, associates at Dauntless Events, Inc. are encouraged to cross-train in different departments within the company. This gives them the opportunity to develop a big-picture view of how the operation works while making sure the company culture spreads between offices in a positive way. Furthermore, Brey pointed out that managers get involved in day-to-day operations as well, and will do so frequently to keep their skills sharp and maintain their status as parts of the team.

Relaxed Team-Building Activities Solidify Dauntless Events, Inc.’s Collaborative Culture

“Before I explain the importance of informal team building, I also wanted to mention that we have moved our Dauntless Events, Inc. office to a great new location in Norfolk,” Brey shared. “The demand for our campaigns has grown so much that we needed more space, and we are certain this new and improved HQ will help us provide even better service both to the public and the brands we represent. That said, one of the first things we did after moving to Norfolk was schedule a beach night for the team, where we did handstands, played disc golf and soccer, and even got in a few rounds of Cornhole!”

The team also visited a local TopGolf for some indoor golfing and socializing. While going out with the gang is a lot of fun, Brey points out that team nights represent one of the most powerful ways to build the cohesive culture for which she and the other Dauntless Events, Inc. leaders strive. “Nights like this are when people let their guards down and step outside their professional roles to make authentic connections with their colleagues. Informal teams often spring up at these events that cross over offices and departments. When this happens, you’ve got a cohesive team culture to be proud of!”

About Dauntless Events, Inc.

Dauntless Events, Inc. was born from a belief that dynamic marketing would be substantially more powerful than old-fashioned outreach methods. Our approach has always centered on using exciting and memorable interactions to connect brands with buyers on a personal level. We know emotions impact public perceptions of brands. Tapping into those sentiments enables us to deliver impressive results in enhanced brand awareness and customer loyalty. Our team of fully trained brand specialists knows how to produce outstanding campaigns. In return for their hard work and enthusiasm, we provide them with boundless learning and growth options.

Source: Dauntless Events, Inc.