Dating Coach, James Preece, Helps Singles Overcome Obstacles To Achieve Dating Success And Find Love

The United Kingdom's top dating guru James Preece of helps singles find love and eliminate dating problems.

Many people who are in the dating scene continue to struggle with finding a love partner. Forming love relationships and dating is no easy feat. As many dating singles will attest to, compatibility can be extremely difficult to find, and a perfect match can be too elusive. The online dating scene is hounded with issues and problems, making people think no happy endings are in store for them.

James Preece puts an end to dating struggles. Through his website,, Mr. Preece helps people find dating success and the love they truly deserve.

James Preece is dubbed as the dating guru, the United Kingdom's top dating coach and dating expert. Mr. Preece is a regular advisor for many magazines and newspapers, including More Magazine, Men's Health, The Sunday Times, Sugar Magazine and News of the World. He has also advised for various television and radio shows including "The Science of Attraction" for BBC One.

"I help single men that are having trouble with dating to discover what really attracts great women & overcome their insecurities so that they can get all of the dates they want with the kinds of women they want," Mr. Preece says. "I also help single women that are having trouble finding and keeping a great man to become the kind of woman that is open to love and easily attract the man of their dreams."

With eight-years of experience in the UK dating industry under 20 different companies, it is no wonder why James Preece is dubbed as the dating guru. He currently works for many dating sites and is involved in all different aspects of dating, such as online dating, singles parties and matchmaking.

Mr. Preece has also used his knowledge to help legions of singletons through his many magazine and newspaper articles, weekly singles parties and 1-2-1 coaching sessions - helping them to know when to pick up and when to let go.

Single men and women looking for surefire ways to find their match should visit and find out dating success secrets from the expert dating coach.

About James Preece - UK's top Dating Coach
