Dating Blog Launches New "How to Flirt" Video Series

A dating blog has created a video series to help men flirt more effectively.

Men perplexed about the ins and out of flirting have a new guide to help them become more successful in their interactions with women. A leading dating and relationship blog has unveiled a free new video series entitled, "How to Flirt: Making It Happen." The video series's creators at hope that the course helps men gain the confidence and skill set required to flirt successfully.

The project manager of "How to Flirt: Making It Happen", relationship coach Jason Nolte, notes that the video series actually started as a .pdf ebook, but ultimately evolved into video based on reader demand: "When we first were toying with the idea of some sort of guide to flirting, we originally envisioned a series of blog posts or a downloadable ebook. Around the same time we posted our first video on the site, and the response was overwhelming. More and more of our readership base was demanding video content to complement our text-based articles. As any blog knows, you have to listen and respond to what your readership demands. That's when "How to Flirt: Making It Happen" evolved into what it is now: a step-by-step look at how to flirt for men of all ages."

What nuggets of wisdom will young men expect to unearth from "How to Flirt: Making It Happen"? Nolte states that most of the information is presented with case studies, including real video footage of men in bars and clubs flirting with attractive girls. He adds that the video also has instructional content to help explain what the seasoned flirters in the video are doing in order to make themselves attractive.

Nolte adds that the video series has also added something especially for the tech-savvy: information on how to flirt online and how to flirt with text messages. According to Nolte: "We noticed that many men were posting blog comments related to flirting on instant messaging, through text messages and on Facebook. However, there seems to be a lack of pertinent information on flirting through modern day technology. Most of the content out there teaches guys how to flirt in person, generally at social hot spots like coffee shops and bars. That's when we decided to dedicate approximately 25% of our content to flirting over the internet and via text messaging. Although this won't necessarily help men learn how to flirt in person, it does give them a way to flirt successful using social media and other modern forms of communication."

Guys looking to watch this video series for themselves can visit:

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