Dateline NBC uses footage from Fashion News Live

Fashion News Live is mention in a enticing cover story and the hit investigative reporting show Dateline NBC

Fashion News Live just seems to be everywhere don't you think? If you're hesitating with your answer this just might help you answer in the affirmative. On April 2nd, 2010 the most popular investigative reporting news show, Dateline NBC used footage from Fashion News Live in one of their enticing stories. On this exclusive clip the host Rocco Gaglioti is seen interviewing the gorgeous Chinese American singer Adrienne Lau. Adrienne then proceeds to sing one of her songs a cappella to Rocco Gaglioti. Even people who are not directly involved with fashion are using Fashion News Live as a means of getting their stories across if Fashion News Live has information that they want to cover in their piece. A little bit of Fashion News Live in everyone life makes news that more interesting to watch.