Daily Harvest Designs Opens Enrollment to Online Course, My Own Edible Landscape

MOUNT HOREB, Wis., October 22, 2018 (Newswire.com) - Professional Edible Landscape Designer, Rachel Belida from Daily Harvest Designs, is opening enrollment to her brand new online course, My Own Edible Landscape. Rachel completely holds students' hands through seven video-based modules as they design their own unique edible landscape.
Daily Harvest Designs is known for creating custom edible, medicinal, and permaculture-based landscape designs so that homeowners can nourish their body, soul, and the earth through gardening.
My Own Edible Landscape was created to teach professional landscape design skills to homeowners in an easily accessible way that makes even the least creative person feel as though they were a professional designer.
Rachel Belida, Owner / Landscape Designer
For the first time, Rachel has created an entire online course with her proven professional edible landscape design techniques. Enrollment for My Own Edible Landscape will open for ten days only on October 29.
The online course will be exclusively sold on the website www.myownediblelandscape.com, where the limited enrollment period is scheduled to close on November 7.
My Own Edible Landscape was created to teach professional landscape design skills to homeowners in an easily accessible way that makes even the least creative person feel as though they were a professional designer.
This course is 100% online and enrollment guarantees lifetime access, including all future course updates.
Three limited-time bonuses are included in the 10-day enrollment period: (1) a professional design tool set so that students can design like professionals, (2) two design reviews via email so that students get expert feedback from Rachel, (3) a garden installation guide so that students can plan and implement their garden installation with confidence.
My Own Edible Landscape also includes The Ultimate Edible Plant Database (an extensive edible and medicinal plant database created exclusively for this course), a comprehensive resource page with recommended gardening books, links to online plant nurseries that specialize in edible and medicinal plants, links to seasonal recipes, and much more so that students get the most out of their design and edible gardening experience.
The course is arranged in seven complete modules, which are the exact steps Rachel has used for years to create custom edible landscape designs for her clients:
- Module 1: Measure
- Module 2: Base Map
- Module 3: Assessments
- Module 4: Bubble Diagrams
- Module 5: Concept Design
- Module 6: Plants
- Module 7: Draw Like a Designer
My Own Edible Landscape is available for a one-time price of $887 or five monthly payments of $177.40.
Rachel is excited to welcome students to the new online edible landscape design course they’ve been requesting.
Source: Daily Harvest Designs