Daido Holding Group - Foxconn Hiring for iPhone 5S.

"Daido Holding Group", Foxconn Technology Group, makers of Apple's iPhone, have begun hiring new staff at a Chinese factory.

Daido Holding Group are understood to have announced to investors in a meeting that Foxconn Technology Group, the makers of Apple's iPhone, have begun hiring new staff at a Chinese factory.

The world's largest manufacturer of custom electronics is preparing for the manufacture of the new iPhone by resuming hiring new staff at their factory in Zhengzhou, eastern China. Daido Holding Group apparently pointed out that there has yet to be an official announcement. Hiring supposedly began last month, according to a Chinese news article, and the new workers will assemble existing iPhone models as well as the new device.

The Zhengzhou factory currently employs between 250,000 to 300,000 people, with the article indicating that since the end of the first quarter, they have added 10,000 new assembly line workers a week. A Foxconn spokesperson declined to comment on the hiring's, or on any of their clients.

Apple will be hoping that the new iPhone will help them to regain their market share, but face stiff competition from newly launched rivals such as Samsung and HTC. Samsung, who are now the largest retailer of smartphones in the world, are expected to launch their flagship Galaxy S4 in the second quarter while the new HTC One range will be made available in Europe, Asia and North America also in the second quarter.

Daido Holding Group allegedly noted that Apple posted record shipments of iPhones during the last quarter of last year, with 47.8 million phones being sold. However, analysts expect Apple's results for the first three months of this year to show the slowest revenue growth since 2009, with revenues likely only to climb by around 8.6% to around $42.5 billion.