Dad's Bucket List Coffee

Candelas in San Diego is the first restaurant in North America to serve ValBeMar's Kopi Luwak.

Dad's Right to Good Food and a One of Kind "Bucket List" Buzz

In May 2012, Candelas Restaurant in San Diego became the first restaurant in North America to serve a rare Indonesian coffee called Kopi Luwak imported by ValBeMar Specialty Coffee. Kopi Luwak was first introduced to American culture via Jack Nicholson in the movie "The Bucket List." In the movie Nicholson's character, Edward is a billionaire who drinks Kopi Luwak daily and promotes it as being one of the "rarest and most exquisite tastes" of the world.

Candelas kicked off their partnership with ValBeMar with a special night and pairing menu prepared by Chef Martin San Roman. "I am passionate about two things," says Chef Martin, "The finest ingredients and the pure enjoyment of the dining experience. ValBeMar shares the same passion. The coffee alone is the perfect pairing to a meal; using the coffee as ingredient in appetizers and dessert entries complimented and enhanced dishes perfectly. I also appreciate the culture behind the brewing process as it is important to me to promote taking the time to enjoy a meal. In metropolitan areas of Mexico, our culture can be experienced best through fine dining and the art of carefully prepared culinary masterpieces."

Candelas is the first restaurant in North America to serve ValBeMar's Kopi Luwak. Menu pairing can be prepared on request at reservations. For the month of June, those looking for a unique way to celebrate their dad on Father's Day can treat him to the coffee worthy of making a bucket list. Chef Martin San Roman encourages those honoring dads and grads to visit the restaurant. "Coffee-loving Dads must try Kopi Luwak and we would love to serve them", says Chef Martin San Roman. For an exceptional and personal fine dining experience, make reservations for the chef's table one week in advance of your visit to the restaurant.

ABOUT CANDELAS: Owner/Chef Martin San Roman's menu is a selective balance of dishes that defy the regular conception of Mexican food as well as redefining the usual restaurant experience. Candelas recipes considers every single detail, offering a sophisticated sensory stimuli generated by the food, drink, service, music, light, shadow, people and atmosphere.

ABOUT VALBEMAR: ValBeMar offers three of the most exclusive coffees in the world to indulge the discerning taste buds of coffee lovers who desire the most luxurious coffee experience. ValBeMar is the direct representative of the Java Coffee Estate, the Indonesian state-operated coffee plantation in East Java, Indonesia. Kebun Kayumas is known for its authentic and original limited production of Kopi (Kopi means coffee) Luwak crop using Arabica beans sourced from free-range native Asian Palm Civets. The Kebun Kayumas plantation is also known for its community involvement and social responsibility to treat their plantation staff fairly and their rehabilitation sanctuary for the native civet population that have been diminishing over the years due to illegal civet poaching by underground coffee farmers.

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