D3 Solutions is Hiring to Develop the Ideal Culture

D3 Solutions' director, Cassie, recently announced that she is hiring new marketing professionals. She indicated that this is part of an initiative to further develop the company's culture.

The innovative marketing firm is known for its highly interactive form of brand promotion that emphasizes personal interactions. Cassie pointed out that this means that its culture is constantly on display to consumers. As such, she is investing into creating a strong, value-driven philosophy and is hiring team members who can help make that happen.

“Culture, in many ways, is by the people and for the people,” she said. “We need a strong ethos in order to attract top talent and to create great experiences for consumers. After all, they get a glimpse into D3 Solutions every time we interact with them. I believe a focus on culture is a very worthwhile investment for our company.”

"Once we had a set of values, we all knew what we were about,"

Cassie B., Director of Operations

A major part of cultural development is about hiring the right people. However, Cassie indicated that even more important is setting values that will drive hiring strategy and communication in the firm. She explained that she uses her firm’s stated values to determine who will make a good fit and will help the company to succeed.

D3 Solutions Takes a Practical Look at Business Values


Not too long ago, the only value in the business world seemed to be money. Fortunately, modern companies have evolved. As Cassie pointed out, D3 Solutions has several key values, including integrity and professionalism, which guide their operations as a group.

“One of the most important aspects of having stated values is that they get everyone on the same page,” she asserted. “While most of us may already share similar professional values, actually working together to define them is useful. It’s a way to keep people focused on what’s important.”

Cassie stated that her team got together and discussed the values that they believe are important to success as an organization. This means not only long-term financial success, but also emotional success. According to Cassie, there is little point in making a lot of money if people don’t feel comfortable with their actions.

“Once we had a set of values, we all knew what we were about,” she added. “Funny though, almost everyone said more or less the same things; yet we all felt that it was nice to know what was on each other’s minds. I have noticed a very clear improvement in our cohesiveness since this exercise. It also empowered us to make those values a big part of our brand.”

About D3 Solutions

D3 Solutions is a goal-oriented firm that specializes in lead generation through experiential marketing campaigns. They create customized initiatives that enhance brand awareness and accelerate market share growth. The firm emphasizes professional development and has built a team of talented and versatile branding specialists who collaborate to exceed any client’s promotional goals and provide a high return on investment. Through a dedication to customer service and constant innovation, D3 Solutions has become an industry leader and looks forward to many years of helping clients achieve their most ambitious growth objectives.