D3 Solutions, Inc. Team Busy With College Recruiting

The D3 Solutions, Inc. President discussed her interest in hiring recent college graduates to the firm's team. She described her recruiting strategy, as well as the group's latest charitable endeavor.

“With demand for our services continuously growing, it’s time once again to invite more talented individuals to the D3 Solutions, Inc. team,” said Cassie, B. the company’s President. “I’ve found that recent college graduates have the energy, willingness to learn, and hunger for success we need to push for the highest degrees of excellence.”

With the intent of recruiting fresh and innovative minds to D3 Solutions, Inc., Cassie and her colleagues have reached out to local colleges and universities. Such partnerships allow the firm’s leaders to find promising talent while presenting graduating students with lucrative professional opportunities.

"I've found that recent college graduates have the energy, willingness to learn, and hunger for success we need to push for the highest degrees of excellence."

Cassie, President

“We recently attended a wonderful career fair at Portland State University,” Cassie stated. “We met a lot of sharp and talented students we would be glad to have on our team, and we are thankful to the school for allowing us to participate in their event. I can’t wait for the next one!”

The organization’s President elaborated on the perks executives enjoy by attending career fairs. They are ideal one-stop functions, for instance, with plenty of potential all in one place. There are non-traditional candidates as well, who may not realize they have a lot to offer a particular company or a particular industry. Carrie has met numerous people this way, and she has bolstered their confidence and introduced them to the world of marketing and consulting.

“As an added benefit, career fairs offer businesses extra visibility,” Cassie noted. “Even those attendees who don’t end up joining our team get to know who we are. They know we’re around, and they tell their friends about us. Future applicants and customers find us through word of mouth.”

D3 Solutions, Inc.’s President Outlines the Team’s Most Recent Giveback Efforts

Despite their aggressive onboarding plans and business growth, the D3 Solutions, Inc. team remains committed to their passion for community giving. Cassie pointed out that she and her people are participating in the Light the Night Walk to support the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

“The Light The Night Walk is an event that is close to our team’s heart,” Cassie continued. “A few of us have family members who have been helped by the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. The organization raises funds to support the research and treatment of blood cancers, and we’re honored to help.”

About D3 Solutions

D3 Solutions is a goal-oriented firm that specializes in lead generation through experiential marketing campaigns. They create customized initiatives that enhance brand awareness and accelerate market share growth. The firm emphasizes professional development and has built a team of talented and versatile branding specialists who collaborate to exceed any client’s promotional goals and provide a high return on investment. Through a dedication to customer service and constant innovation, D3 Solutions has become an industry leader and looks forward to many years of helping clients achieve their most ambitious growth objectives.

Source: D3 Solutions Inc.