D. A. Grey's New Book 'Paris in May' Begins A Captivating Romance Tale That Attempts To Endure Life's Challenges

D. A. Grey, a retired professor and researcher, has completed his most recent book "Paris in May":  a gripping and potent fiction that follows David, a man who grew up barely making it throughout the struggles, as he encounters love in the most unexpected moment in his life.

D. A. writes, "Born to a mother who dies in childbirth, raised in a black community by a poor depressive father, David Walton builds a fantasy of who is mother would have been. An exceptional athlete and a troubled high school student going nowhere, an after school janitorial job unwittingly prepared him for an unexpected and interesting life. After walking into an Army recruiter's office, he's taken for an adventurous ride through military intelligence, international espionage, an unlikely lifetime friendship and ultimately into the halls of Academia where he meets the love of his life. Paris in May sets the stage for a perfect love affair. A love affair that will leave you wanting more."

Published by Fulton Books, D. A. Grey's book is a complex and thrilling novel that accounts the journey of a man who struggled throughout the problems of isolation, poverty, and a broken life.

Here, one finds a fascinating tale of a life that found love in the least likely times—an affair of love and intrigue.

Readers who wish to experience this profound work can purchase "Paris in May" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes and Noble.

Please direct all media inquiries to Gregory Reeves via email at gregory@fultonbooks.com or via telephone at 877-210-0816.

Source: Fulton Books