Cyber Security Management Consultant Dr. Stan Stahl Interviewed on Experts and Leaders Network on Big Media USA

Stan Stahl, PhD, a leading consultant on information security and president of ISSA-LA, was recently interviewed on Big Media USA, an Internet radio broadcasting company, about information security and cyber crime.

Stan Stahl, PhD, a leading consultant and authority on information security, software engineering, project management and computer programming, was recently interviewed on the Experts and Leaders Network hosted by Carl Terzian Associates Internet radio station on Big Media USA. Dr. Stahl is president of the Los Angeles Chapter of The Information Systems Security Association (ISSA-LA) and the founder and president of Citadel Information Group, Inc., an information security management firm.

"This is one of the most important interviews we have had on Big Media USA," said Mr. Tony DeMaio, president of Big Media. "Cybercrime is becoming a major obstacle in Internet and e-commerce development and growth."

In the interview, Dr. Stahl spoke about how in 1980, while a university mathematics professor, he entered into the complex world of cyber security. He also talked about the upcoming ISSA-LA's third annual Information Security Summit to be held on Wednesday, June 15, 2011 on the UCLA Campus that is hosted by UCLA Extension.

"We want to help the information technology community and business executives in general to understand the changing face of cybercrime," said Dr. Stahl. "Yesterday's defenses don't work against the worst of today's cyber-attacks. The Summit is an excellent opportunity for our community's IT and business professionals to learn what they must do to stay ahead of the cybercriminals. Attendees will learn how to meet the latest cyber challenges from industry leaders and get to talk to more than 20 information security vendors."

Dr. Stahl began his career securing teleconferencing at the White House, databases inside Cheyenne Mountain and the communications network controlling our nuclear weapons arsenal. Dr. Stahl earned his Ph.D. in mathematics from The University of Michigan and spent nearly 15 years teaching university mathematics. Once an active researcher, Dr. Stahl has published more than a dozen papers in advanced mathematics and computer science. He has taught courses in information security, software engineering, project management and computer programming at several universities and colleges.

Dr. Stahl recently served on the faculty at the University of Southern California in the School of Engineering's Information Technology Program.

The complete interview can be found and downloaded at
About Information Systems Security Association (ISSA)
The Information Systems Security Association is a not-for-profit, international organization of information security professionals and practitioners. It provides educational forums, publications and peer interaction opportunities that enhance the knowledge, skill and professional growth of its members. The primary goal of ISSA is to promote management practices that will ensure availability, integrity and confidentiality of information resources. For more information or to register, please visit: .

About Big Media USA
Big Media USA is an Internet broadcasting company that was founded in 2006 by Tony DeMaio. It's innovative and simple platform gives anyone instant access to quality radio programming covering a wide variety of topics on numerous stations and channels. All the shows are free of charge and On-Demand 24/7. For more information go to