Cyber Monday Educational Toy Sale
Online, December 2, 2013 ( - Customers can shop the Cyber Monday deals and specials on the website Monday, December 2 through Saturday, December 7, 2013. Learning toys and educational games from well-recognized brands such as The Orb Factory, Melissa and Doug, Be Amazing Toys, Blue Orange Games, UglyDoll, Learning Resources and Edushape are on sale. Find these Cyber Monday deals here.
In addition, find bargains on kids science kits, which make great Christmas gifts for girls and boys. Browse our selection and choose from our Big Bag of Science, Yuck!, Soda Geyser Car or Insta-Snow - all at discounted prices!
Award-winning kids games include Trigger, Speedeebee, KaBam! and Speedeebee. These deeply discounted educational games are among the top games for kids. In addition, select mosaics for kids by The Orb Factory, such as Sticky Mosaics Robots, Pirates, and Magical Flying Horses are also on available at discounted prices. Children's art and craft supplies, such as crayons, Imaginista duct tape kits, and notebooks that can be decorated with faux jewels are available at value pricing.
Doll accessories, such as Melissa and Doug's doll diaper set and Briana and Nalalie 12 inch, Mine to Love dolls make excellent toddler and preschool gifts.
Customers can shop by age, brand, skill, award toys, best selling toys or by category according to preference. For more Christmas gift ideas for kids, visit the website, Limited quantities of Cyber Monday deals are available. No backorders allowed.
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