CUTV News Welcomes Transformational Leaders Sandra and Daniel Biskind

International #1 bestselling authors Sandra and Daniel Biskind are featured guests on CUTV News.

Are your thoughts stopping you from living the life you really want? You don't have to suffer. You have the power to change your thoughts and change your life.

We've put together a system that helps people become aligned with their own personal power. We call that living a PLATINUM life.

Sandra Biskind

Sandra and Daniel Biskind joined Jim Masters in the CUTV News studio for an exclusive interview where they share how your PLATINUM self can help you discover your true purpose and enjoy the life of your dreams.

Sandra & Daniel Biskind are global transformational leaders who have created a system that empowers you to remove the stressors and emotional leakage that stand in the way of you having the love, prosperity and success you desire.

"We help leaders and entrepreneurs discover and resolve the unconscious blocks that sabotage their success, relationships, health and happiness," says Daniel.

According to the Biskinds, we all live by codes. These codes can be reduced to either love or fear. Fear leads you to make decisions that aren't aligned with what you really want in your life. Love is the code of the "True Self," where authentic happiness, health and success can be achieved naturally.

"Both of us have worked with some of the greatest spiritual leaders and success coaches on this planet," says Sandra. "We've put together a system that helps people become aligned with their own personal power. We call that living a PLATINUM life."

PLATINUM is an acronym for "Peace, Love, Awareness, Trust, Integrity, Neutrality, Unity and Mindfulness."

"There is nothing more empowering than living as a PLATINUM being," says Sandra. "There's nothing more important for yourself, your family and this world. It's our mission to help you achieve that."

If you're ready to move from where you are now to where you want to be and to embody the best version of yourself, go to to learn how you can work with Sandra and Daniel Biskind.

Source: CUTV News

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