Customised Fuit Juice Plants? Prisma Tech Is Leader in Producing Plants for Your Company!

The invention of pasteurization owes its existence to the French scientist Louis Pasteur, who, in XIX century, created this method of conservation which selectively destroys or makes inactive those potentially dangerous micro-organisms present in food and beverages.

The process consists in heating the product in controlled temperatures (generally between 60 and 85 Celsius Degree) for a certain period of time starting from ten to few seconds: these two parameters are inversely proportional, this means that as temperature increases, time decreases and vice versa.

For example, the UHT (Ultra High Temperature) process reaches up to 140° for one or two seconds!

The pasteurization process, after heating the product, is immediately followed by a sudden cooling which prevents unwanted biological or enzymatic reactions.

Many products available on the market have been subjected to the pasteurization process: one of the most known is milk, but also beer, wine and fruit juices.

Prisma Tech is an Italian company producing fruit juice plants like for example pasteurizers. Thanks to its long and successful experience, Prisma Tech is the best partner for your business!