Curry Todd: Treadwell High School
Online, March 3, 2015 ( - Curry Todd has had many experiences throughout his life that have sculpted him as an individual, none so much however as his time with Treadwell High School. Curry remembers fondly the friendly and helpful staff, as well as their commitment to excellence. This excellence is best depicted by a letter written from the principle of the school, which states, “My staff and I are so excited about the opportunity to serve your students. Our new school year is here and the entire Treadwell High School staff is looking forward to sharing their love for teaching and learning with you and your child. We will Make Excellence a Necessity every day. We will continue to stayfocused on the rigorous standards and student productivity at the proficient levels. We believe all children have the ability to learn, we encourage all children to work to their fullest potential and we expect their personal best at all times. It takes a partnership between home and school to see that these character skills are modeled, learned, and practiced by everyone. Everyday all Eagles at Treadwell will SOAR to the highest height. Treadwell Middle School will strive towards excellence in academic and social development. Help us achieve our goals for your children, together we can continue to make a difference and CHANGE THE WORLD!”
Curry Todd is a representative of the Republican party in Tennessee who has committed himself to making the state of Tennessee a better, more family friendly place.
Curry Todd says that he would recommend his old high school to anyone who wants their child to have a comprehensive education and experience that will enrich them as a person in general. Curry says that this is because Treadwell has a mission, an objective and vision for their students that is second to none, one best depicted by the official school's website itself, which states, “Treadwell High School’s mission is to provide a diversified, respectful atmosphere conducive to learning and promote the healthy pursuit of each student’s intellectual, social, emotional and physical development. Treadwell Middle School is a community where students, parents, teachers and administrators learn, work and grow together. Our students are challenged to reach high academic levels of learning to develop the skills needed to become productive, respectful, contributing citizens and perpetual learners. At Treadwell High School, Eagles S.O.A.R.”