Curiosity as One of Five Surprising Ways to Rocket Launch Any Business
Boulder Colorado, October 29, 2015 ( - Colorado Joy of Business Expert Heather Nichols advises entrepreneurs to tap curiosity as the foundation of innovation. Nichols discovered business success when she started getting a lot more curious about what she could do in her business that hadn’t been done before. “I like to ask questions, and get curious,” says Nichols, one of two Joy of Business experts in Northern America. “That is the true spirit of innovation in business: to be curious about what you can do that nobody else has previously done.”
Coming up November 13 in Hawaii, Nichols will be presenting a three-day workshop on Joy of Business that is open to the public. It's all about seeing business in a new light, with a curiouis mindset.
"I like to ask open-ended questions and see what shows up. I get curious. What would it be like if the business could grow more quickly? What would it take for everything to be easier, and more fun?"
Heather Nichols, CEO,
The concept of asking questions is often overlooked when problem-solving in business, Nichols suggests. “I like to ask open-ended questions and see what shows up. I get curious. What would it be like if the business could grow more quickly? What would it take for everything to be easier, and more fun?”
Another surprising way to change the chemistry of your business is to take time to nurture your own body and commit to your health and well-being. Nichols takes time each day to exercise, and enjoys wearing clothes that look and feel luxurious. “When I listen to and nurture my body, the results in my business are phenomenal. If my body is happy, I am happy. And when I am happy, I have a clear and creative mind, and the energy to do everything I would like to do for my business.”
One area where some entrepreneurs and business experts hesitate involves changing your mindset; this is a change that Nichols says can sometimes create the fastest success. “Create the impossible. When you have a vision or an idea for your business that others say could not work, challenge this. Step into the realm of what is not possible, and in this realm, everything that you thought was impossible can suddenly become possible. When you do this, you start to have an expansion of your business beyond your preconceptions. This puts your business on a totally different playing field, and you can then choose something beyond anything you thought you could ever choose before.”
For example, Nichols creates business workshops in Hawaii. In the past if someone suggested that she could be paid to fly to Hawaii and teach people joy of business strategies, she might have thought “impossible.” Her next workshop in Maui will be held November 13 to 15 – and the students will fly to learn and enjoy the beauty of the islands, at the same time. “How much fun can we have generating business? I like to have a lot of fun and enjoy business expansion – the two are not mutually exclusive, and, in fact, both are essential for a business to thrive.”
The final surprising suggestion Nichols has for all entrepreneurs is to trust themselves above the experts. “Don’t even trust me,” she says. “Trust yourself.” This going with your own knowing is a guide-post for Nichols’ own business success. “I had to forget some of the things I learned to expand my capacity to have the business I was asking for. And this always comes back to trusting my own knowing above experts.”
For more on the Hawaii adventure, go here: