Cultural Diversity Training Can Stem Disparate Treatment

Diversity training consultants, Patricia Brekly LLC, explain the need for cultural diversity training programs in companies and their ability to stem disparate treatment.

The EEOC reported that disparate treatment is still a major problem in hiring, which is a violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. As a result, the EEOC is just short of requiring cultural diversity training for companies to stem this problem. Patricia Berkly LLC offers cultural diversity training based on the EEOC rules and can assist companies as they strive to stay compliant. Cultural diversity training is an essential part of compliance, just as any rules and policy updates. Cultural diversity training will keep managers and staff educated and out of court.

Cultural diversity training should echo the theme of the EEOC. Without cultural diversity training, which creates access to everyone, people will be denied access to opportunity. As the EEOC states, denying opportunity for one, cuts off opportunity for many (EEOC 2011). Cultural diversity training can assist organizations in developing strategies for hiring. Cultural diversity training can also assist organizations in creating inclusive and bias free environments. Not only is it good business, cultural diversity training which provides EEO education can minimize risk for discrimination complaints. In turn cultural diversity training also minimizes the risk of a company being drawn in the court to defend discriminatory behavior.

Many companies believe they don't need outside assistance for diversity management and cultural diversity training. However, the recent EEOC lawsuits filed against, Lens Crafters, Rent-A-Center, Abercrombie & Fitch confirm the need for cultural diversity training at large companies, and perhaps from a third party as internal methods apparently fell short of diffusing the problem. The charges of harassment and religious discrimination against these aforementioned companies will cost them clearly over six figures initially to defend. Cultural diversity training would also remind them that this doesn't include the cost of bad publicity. With litigation costs soaring, the cost of cultural diversity training is a pittance compared to the cost of legal fees, turns over and lost clientele. Cultural diversity training can be worked into the standard operating process of any company. As company culture changes with changes in personnel, companies would better serve themselves to keep cultural diversity training as a staple to staff updates. The hours spent in cultural diversity training can relieve the company of year spent to defend a case.