Cubic DTECH, Instant Connect and Rally Tactical Systems Provide Real-Time Language Translation to Special Operation Forces

Delivering next-gen interoperable tactical communications for a new era in mission success

Cubic DTECH Vocality, Instant Connect Software and Rally Tactical Systems (RTS) are breaking new ground with the integration of Instant Connect EnterpriseTM (ICE) as the encrypted end-to-end and transport layer security wrapper for tactical push-to-talk traffic. The Joint Interoperability Test Command (JITC)-certified software platform is included on the DoD Information Network (DoDIN)-approved product list.

The ICE platform is a proven, military-grade tactical communications solution that integrates with RTS' Engage Engine and Cubic's Radio Over IP (RoIP) gateways, including the DTECH Vocality RoIP, M3X and M3-SE, enabling special operations teams worldwide to leverage the blended solution capability for multilingual missions.

"The ICE platform eliminates language barriers, providing real-time communication across 70+ languages to accelerate and clarify crucial communications," said Anthony Verna, Senior Vice President and General Manager of DTECH Mission Solutions. "The combined solutions remove delays and other drawbacks associated with human translators in the field, thus creating a new standard in coalition interoperable tactical communications."

"Our platform is secure and accurate, giving warfighters a decisive advantage in coalition peacekeeping, enforcement and other missions," said Forrest Claypool, Instant Connect CEO. "Special operations teams know that ICE allows them to extend the language translation capability to remote environments at the tactical edge. It's about providing teams with the communications flexibility they need when seconds matter."

Source: Cubic