Cuban Cigar Hub Will Feature News, Notes, History on Cuban Cigars

New Informational Site Promises to Be a Valuable Resource for Cigar Smokers
Cuban Cigars Hub

Famous Smoke Shop, the nation’s #1 discount retailer of premium cigars online, including one of the largest selections of handmade cigars and accessories, has just debuted Cuban Cigar Hub, a new resource for those who are interested in the ongoing politics related to Cuba and the United States, and cigar enthusiasts who want to discover how our two countries’ histories and current policies may impact cigar smokers like themselves.

Although visitors to's Cuban Cigar Hub website won't find Cuban cigars for sale, they will find descriptions of the leading Cuban heritage cigars — Cuban brands that are also made outside of their native country — such as Cohiba, Montecristo, Partagas and Romeo y Julieta, among others.

"The main thrust of the Famous Smoke Shop Cuban Cigar Hub is to help educate and inform cigar smokers about the ongoing status of Cuban cigars until the Embargo is lifted and U.S.-Cuba relations are normalized."

John Pullo, Content Manager for Famous Smoke Shop

“The main thrust of the Famous Smoke Shop Cuban Cigar Hub is to help educate and inform cigar smokers about the ongoing status of Cuban cigars until the Embargo is lifted and U.S.-Cuba relations are normalized,” said John Pullo, Content Marketing Copy Manager for Famous Smoke Shop.

In addition to the Top Cuban Heritage Cigars section,'s Cuban Cigar Hub has a timeline on the history of U.S.-Cuba relations from 1898 to present day, a news section with informative articles on the challenging relationship between the United States and Cuba, President Trump's stance on the status of the Embargo, a Resources section, and a feature on how to spot fake Cuban cigars.

“The relationship between Cuba and the U.S. has always been complicated,” added Mr. Pullo. “With the renewed interest in travel to Cuba, including the ability to buy Cuban cigars and bring them back to the States without getting hassled by Customs, the Famous Smoke Shop Cuban Cigar Hub promises to clear the fog of confusion for our readers, and we're just getting started.”

For more information, visit Famous Smoke Shop Cuban Cigar Hub.

About Famous Smoke Shop

Famous Smoke Shop is the nation’s #1 discount retailer of premium cigars online, offering one of the largest selections of handmade cigars, machine-made cigars, cigar humidors and accessories. Famous offers the web’s lowest prices on a wide selection of cigar brands including Acid, Davidoff, Macanudo, Romeo y Julieta, Ashton, Padron, Oliva and Perdomo cigars and many more. Famous offers their customers the best prices on all premium cigars as well as friendly and knowledgeable customer service.

Famous Smoke Shop
90 Mort Drive​
​Easton, PA 18040

Source: Famous Smoke Shop

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