Cruise Ship Attorneys Called After Over One Hundred Passengers Caught Stomach Bug on a UK Cruise Ship

A UK cruise ship company could be facing up to 131 claims after a stomach bug ravaged the passengers.

131 passengers aboard a cruise ship in Scotland experienced gastrointestinal symptoms during a recent voyage. The 131 passengers out of 737 were not the first to experience these symptoms on the same ship in the past few months.

Over three hundred cases have been reported on the exact same cruise ship during the past few journeys. The cruise company has cleaned the vessel and was given the all clear by the maritime agencies, only to be left with another bout of the symptoms gripping passengers on their most recent journey.

It is believed that the company will be calling in another cleaning company to clean the vessel in the hope that this will solve the problem. In the meantime the same company has just had reports of symptoms now being experienced on another of their vessels which left from Ireland recently.

Allegedly one passenger has died in the past few years as a result of symptoms which he got on one of the cruises.

A spokesman from Crewmember and Maritime Advocacy Center in Miami said that on a cruise ship you are in close quarters, it is a recipe for any virus to spread exponentially. This is not the first time that viruses have grasped cruise ship passengers and it's up to the passengers on whether they want to take this further.

Cruise ships have been a top choice for many vacationers around the world for years, but problems do occur from passengers falling overboard to viruses gripping crew and passengers to accidents which can leave passengers dead.

The majority of cruises do go according to plan and without any complications of any kind. All cruise ships have a medical team on hand to manage any virus breakouts that do occur, though in this case the company may have to look to determine if there is something else which may be causing their passengers to get sick.

It has happened on two ships both owned by the same company, there is obviously something that has been missed. A vessel that has been deep cleaned and given the all-clear should not still have outbreaks onboard.

It will be interesting to see once an independent cleaning company has cleaned the vessels whether this problem continues on these ships or whether it was just a virus that was unleashed by one ill passenger and due to them all being within one space, it spread like wildfire.