Crowd-Funding Campaign to Keep Refugees Out of Europe by Helping Them in Africa
Bucharest, Romania, December 22, 2015 ( - Crowd-funding campaign to keep refugees out of Europe by supporting African countries accepting refugees
A crowd-funding campaign called "Help them, help ourselves: deal with refugees crisis" was launched today on Idiegogo, aiming to stress out that the only viable way to deal with Syrian refugees crisis is to provide economical support to neighboring African countries, to enable them to absorb the refugees. People can support by consuming African products, but the ultimate goal of the campaign is to send a message to governments and politicians that society cares about people, including Syrian refugees and wants additional Refugee Camps to be created in African countries.
Dan Cioroianu, Campaign Manager
"It's not difficult to figure out that migration to Europe is inversely correlated to the capabilities of African refugee camps and to the standard of living in Africa and other non-European neighboring countries. This campaign is about dealing with migration in a different manner than we are used to, it's about supporting people in need living in African countries. Let's send a message to the politicians and to the world that it's time to switch tactics from police interventions and building fences to social cohesion and economical support for the African countries affected by war!" says the campaign.
The campaign's perks consist in souvenirs, soap, organic personal care products, wine and Marula fruit cream liqueur, all made in Africa, and in holidays to Africa, volunteering in animal conservation projects.