Craig Sanders of ABN Brings Together Investors From a Wide Variety of Industries

​​Now, the CEO of ABN, Craig Sanders is bringing together athletes, executives, and investors who are interested in contributing with their financial resources to industries like retail, healthcare, sports goods, and real estate. Craig's philanthropic background helped him transform ABN into a company that engages in charitable activities while also helping out sponsors by offering publicity.

The CEO of ABN believes that the ultimate purpose of ABN is to stimulate the economy and create jobs. Another important part of Craig Sanders' activity as a CEO is the ABN Health branch that focuses on the brain damage in veterans, active military personnel, and athletes.

Most of the brain damage in veterans, active military personnel, and athletes alike is caused by traumatic brain injuries, usually from physical activity. The Health branch focuses on both research and support for anyone suffering from brain damage as well as the stress and addictions that may result from it.

ABN Health is all about encouraging athletes and veterans to work toward improving their life quality. The organization provides a number of support centers in various locations from campuses to retail stores.

The CEO of ABN also believes that a pattern can be found both in athletes and military personnel since both push their bodies to the limits, which can often lead to traumatic brain injuries caused by physical activity. The health branch of ABN focus on a holistic treatment also focuses on psychological triggers that prevent athletes, military personnel, and veterans from performing at their best, or even enjoying normal, healthy lifestyles.

The holistic approach includes counseling for those dealing with addictions and prescription drugs. In addition, support is also offered for those who have productivity issues and anxiety.

In many cases, due to stressful situations, both athletes and veterans use prescription drugs to deal with the pressure that accompanies their jobs. This includes treatments specifically designed for athletes planning to return to the sports world after an injury.

Craig Sanders pushed ABN Health a step further by providing athletes, active military personnel, and veterans many types of recreational sports and therapies that help speed up recovery time. However, ABN's efforts don't stop here, as new treatment centers are now open for those in need for help with traumatic brain injuries.

These types of injuries are quite common among athletes. The NFL received a number of lawsuits from players who developed traumatic brain injuries from physical activity. Most of these players never fully recovered.

As a result, the NFL invested over $300 million into researching the causes and treatment of traumatic brain injuries. This leads to a decreased interest from younger players to transform their passion into a profession. Many young football players are afraid that their health will be damaged after they start facing the challenges that professional players deal with.

While Craig believes traumatic brain injuries are a real concern, he also believes it's important to educate the younger players on how to live a healthy, injury-free life while playing sports professionally.

ABN's health efforts are supported by the U.S. military. The organization's findings have the potential to help veterans and military personnel as well since brain damage is prevalent in the military too. Another issue the U.S. military faces is the post traumatic disorders that many veterans struggle with. As a consequence of the U.S. military support, the Intrepid center was developed specifically for active and retired military personnel.

The Intrepid center focuses on both researching the causes and treating the symptoms of brain disorders and brain injuries in active personnel and veterans. This includes traumatic brain injuries, post traumatic disorder, and addiction counseling. Like the ABN Health branch, Intrepid focuses on an approach that touches every aspect of the patient from lifestyle changes to psychological counseling.

Craig Sanders believes that ABN Health and the Intrepid Center are all about understanding the injuries caused by physical activity in sports and in the military. He is also aware that not all wounds are that easy to detect. This why the treatment strategies offered by ABN are holistic and impact the lifestyle of the patient. Addiction and productivity counseling is also an important part of the program. Not all struggles are alike, and this is why the birth of the ABN Center for Brain Health is so vital. After the creation of the Brain Health Center, Craig also contributed to the creation of a foundation dedicated to philanthropic activities. The ABN Foundation helps retired athletes and military personnel by providing financial assistance for housing. It also helps young vets and disadvantaged athletes obtain the financial resources they need to continue their education and training.

Source: Craig Sanders