Reports Increased Traffic as Countries Impose Limits on Encryption

According to ( recent activity in the EU and Russia is resulting in increased traffic to its site as users search for new encryption software.

According to recent news reports Russian authorities recently seized servers of a US based VPN service after passing a law requiring logging of all network traffic. In response to the seizure Private Internet Access, whose policy forbids logging, emailed users that they were pulling out of Russia and evaluating their status in other countries.

In the EU it is reported that Member States in the EU Council are actively considering a voluntary program with internet companies to decrypt encrypted communications.

According to users from Germany and Russia are now the second and third most active visitors to its site.

About, a secure site hosted in Switzerland, was developed as a source for individuals and business to easily and quickly find encryption software according to certain criteria such as country of origin.

According to the developers currently has over 430 encrypted apps listed in the categories Email, File encryption, Messaging, Password Managers and VPN’s. They said they are continuing to enter VPN’s from countries around the world just as quickly as they can.
