CornerStone Management Concepts, Inc. Promotes Kyle

CornerStone Management Concepts, Inc.'s Director of Operations highlighted Kyle for his recent promotion to lead a new office. He also discussed how the company's culture is built on professional advancement.

“We’re excited to be opening a new office in Fairfield, New Jersey,” stated Bryant, the Director of Operations at CornerStone Management Concepts, Inc. “I’m especially confident about this expansion effort because of who will be leading it. Kyle has been promoted to management to open the office. He has exemplified leadership, dedication, and competitiveness throughout his time with our organization.”

Kyle is looking forward to growing his own team and working with innovative businesses in his new role. There are a few key attributes he’ll be looking for as he builds his team, including positivity and strong work ethic. Bryant stated, “Kyle hopes to continue spreading the CornerStone Management Concepts, Inc. momentum. He’ll be starting strong, with seven of our standout performers going along with him. I’m sure we’ll deliver stronger ROI for the companies we serve as a result.”

"Kyle hopes to continue spreading the CornerStone Management Concepts, Inc. momentum. He'll be starting strong, with seven of our standout performers going along with him. I'm sure we'll deliver stronger ROI for the companies we serve as a result."

Bryant, DOO

In his new role, Kyle will be responsible for guiding a team of 20 to 25 to predetermined revenue goals, as well as introducing strategies to recruit new talent. He’ll also organize weekly team meetings to discuss progress on big projects and all elements of the campaign development process.

There are other administrative tasks attached to the role, which the Director believes Kyle is well equipped to handle. “It’s been a privilege watching Kyle grow and develop into a leader. He’s a great role model for our team and I’m ready to see what he achieves in Fairfield.”

CornerStone Management Concepts, Inc.’s Director Highlights Growth-Focused Culture

Kyle’s promotion is the latest evidence of the growth-focused CornerStone Management Concepts, Inc. culture. The Director remarked, “We provide a supportive environment in which team members can reach their goals through hard work and consistent performance. To make the process straightforward, we set clear expectations for advancement. Our people know exactly what they need to accomplish to reach the next levels of their careers.”

Bryant encourages team members to be accountable as they pursue their professional goals. He explained, “When our people share their objectives with each other, they’re even more motivated to make progress toward reaching them. This also helps our associates stick to the original timelines they established for achieving their goals, because there’s always positive reinforcement to keep them on the right track.”

About CornerStone Management Concepts, Inc.

CornerStone Management Concepts, Inc. is a full-service firm, with sales and marketing managers who are committed to making powerful interactive campaigns. Their outreach approach helps brands gain footing in new markets because the firm’s experts know how to build strong and lasting bonds with buyers. As a result, they drive awareness, referrals, and returns for the brands they promote. The team is known for its flexibility and success. This renown has earned the loyalty of a long list of agencies. It includes small firms and Fortune 500 names alike. The group continues to help growing companies shine. To learn more, visit today.

Source: CornerStone Management Concepts, Inc.