Cookie's Kids Blog Connects Parents, Kids of All Ages

Photo contests, kids' letters, Featured Moms section make this blog a must-bookmark

Cookie's Kids, a leading online retailer of kids school uniforms ( ) and branded urban fashion clothing, invites parents, kids and anyone who is interested in quality kids clothing and current family and children's topics to visit its Blog. This blog was created with the Tumblr blogging platform and offers a trendy look that complements its focus on kids' fashion, tips for parents, and fun contests. They offer giveaways, links for submitting questions and testimonials and links to Cookie's Kids Twitter feed and Facebook page. The Blog is a one-stop collection of everything that's happening at Cookie's Kids wants everyone interested in kids fashion and family topics to contribute to the blog.

One of the variety of ways that readers can get involved with the Cookie's Kids blog is by participating in Tumblr Thursdays where the blog offers a new "Featured Moms" segment each week. Readers can submit their entries to be a "Featured Mom" by accessing this page on the blog:

"We really are excited about the blog so far and the great reception it has gotten from our extended Cookie's Kids family; our customers who have shopped our stores - some of them for many years, and some who are just now discovering us and enjoying our great selection of kids school uniforms and urban fashion brands like Baby Phat, Calvin Klein, Roca Wear and more," said Cookie Falack, owner of Cookie's Kids. "The blog is a fun and informative extension of what we're all about at Cookie's Kids and we include photos, video, kids' letters; everything that expresses our relationship with our customers and interesting information we want to provide to them. It's a real collaboration between us and our readers that has made it so successful," Mr. Falack said.

Another way readers can get involved with the blog is to keep an eye on the Contests and Giveaways page. This page lists recent and upcoming contests such as the recently concluded Cool for School Giveaway, Back to School Cool Photo Contest and the Back to School Giveaway. Prizes for these contests included a Hannah Montana Backpack, Spiderman Backpack and $25-$50 gift cards.

Recent Blog entries have included posts on what to expect "When Children Share a Room" and "School Cafeterias Try Psychology in The Lunch Line." These fun and informational posts along with updates on the Back to School Cool Photo Contest Winners have made the Blog an entertaining online destination for parents and kids alike.

About Cookie's Kids

Cookie's Kids was established in Jamaica, Queens (NY) in 1975. Today, known as the world's leading kids' department store and the #1 school uniform headquarters in the United States, they operate a seven store emporium featuring school uniforms and accessories for children and teens of all ages.

For more information on Cookie's Kids please contact:

Jack Shammah
Director of Marketing
510 Fulton Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
(718) 797-3300 x: 304