Contractors Marketing Experts Predict Industry Shift

There are plenty of changes going around, and it's just a matter of time before the playing field is changed.

Internet marketing experts across different industries are coming to the conclusion that recent changes with market behavior coupled with Google's recent updates are spelling a shift in the field of internet marketing. "There are plenty of changes going around, and it's just a matter of time before the playing field is changed." an internet marketing expert says.

The contractors marketing industry is among the largest segments to have been affected by the changes. "Old tactics no longer work. Search engines are getting smarter, and the users are becoming more discerning." a home improvement contractor marketer said.

Conventional marketing strategies, obsolete?

"SEO companies are up to their necks with the effects of the recent Google updates." an internet marketing expert says. According to Google, the recent changes, most notably the Panda and Penguin updates, were rolled out to provide better search results for users.

"Search engine rankings play a major role in online marketing. The updates during the last months really hit the contractor marketing industry hard. Rankings dropped, and sites were wiped off the search results page." An SEO marketer said. "It was devastating."

Local marketing

A pattern also emerged after the updates. "Local search results seemed to have retained their rankings compared to others. This proves our theory that search engines, especially Google, are going for custom results by giving precedence to local results." an analyst said.

Value driven marketing

However valuable content is still a commodity as far as online marketing is concerned. With better algorithms, on-site content should be focused more on the users, and not the search engines. "High quality content has become more important than ever. There's no use in cheating the users," a marketer says.

Google updates

Search engines like Google dictate the pace for SEO strategies. As the search engine giant develops better search algorithms and more stringent protocols, construction marketers often find themselves at the mercy of these updates. However, marketers speculate that the Penguin update release last April 24, 2012 was what caused the recent shuffling of search results.


Aside from search engine results, contractors have to consider the competition. "Forget about Google updates, you still have to worry about competition." says a local contractor. "It's more than just rankings. You still have to prove that you're better than the competition, and this goes beyond regular SEO" he adds.

Does SEO still matter?

The biggest question thus far is the importance of SEO. "There will always be a place for SEO, but not the conventional type of SEO." a marketing expert says. "You have to look beyond the realm of search engines and see the entire picture. There's video marketing, social media, sharing, and mobile internet."

"Integration is key. You have to start with good content and good services. Everything else will follow." He adds.

Looking ahead: 2013 and beyond

Local marketing expert concludes that "social media is showing great potential for marketing local services. As local search results seem to be indexed from social media sites like Facebook, we're looking at the possibility of marketing contractor services at a personal level."

About us
Founded by Renegade Millionaire Travis Lane Jenkins, ATX Global, LLC specializes in helping local contractors, and home improvement professionals in the field of internet marketing. ATX Global LLC allows clients to establish credible internet presence and become local experts.

ATX Global LLC
1431 Walnut Lane,
Kingwood, Texas 77339
Phone: 1-877-358-7541 ext. 101